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First of all I would like to thank you for choosing this book. The thought of someone giving this book a few minutes of their precious time will always fill me with gratitude.

I had initially thought of writing more than or around a 100 chapters but I just realised that I've already closed the chapter of my life in which this book started. And since this is a new phase of my life, it only makes sense to end this book too.

Even though I wanted to write a lot more, something in me just kept saying that it's not needed. The last poem too was in a way very conclusive.

For my next project, I honestly don't know what it's gonna be or when it's gonna be uploaded. But I feel really proud of myself for writing a poetry book which I never thought I would be able to write 😂😅.

Thank you once again to everyone who've ever read this book and to all the future readers as well. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

I hope you're having a wonderful day/night. ✨

Love and light,
Anna Woods

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