Chapter 1

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Dream was walking down the prime path. It was dark. The sun had fell hours ago so Dream was out. The whole land was most likely after his head. Dream and Techno with the help of Phil, just blew up a country. People were bound to attack him on sight. So that's why Dream used the cover of darkness to move around. Dream was most use to the dark. He's adapted to see in the dark better. Well after years of running in the dark your eyes get permanently accustomed to seeing in the dark. 

Dream felt a little hot which was unusual. The night air was cool and relaxing, yet Dream felt hot. Maybe it was because of his hoodie. He should be fine taking it off right? He's far enough from the SMP and plus no one is out at this ungodly hour. Dream grabbed his hoodie and pulled it off. The cool air hit Dream and it was nice. It cooled him off a bit. Dream tied his hoodie around his waist and continued to walk.

As he walked the heat returned. Was he sick? Dream reached up and grabbed his mask. He pulled it off just a bit to slip his hand up and touch his forehead. His forehead was warm. He is sick. Dream put his mask back in place. Was it when he went to Techno's? Did the snow make him sick, and he was now getting it? Dream continued to walk. Dream's been sick before, he can work around it. It's more of a nuisance then anything really. Dream has recovered from deep gashes in his body that should have rendered him unable to walk. A little cold was nothing. 

The heat started to well up in the pit of his stomach. Dream ignored it and continued walking forward. All of a sudden, a huge wave of heat and dizziness hit Dream like a baseball bat. Dream stumbled back and had to brace himself to stop himself from falling over. Dreams eyes widened. Heat. Shit this wasn't supposed to happen. Did Dream forget to take his heat suppressants. He must have forgotten amongst the chaos and the destruction. Shit Dream had to get back home now and take his suppressants.

Dream turned and started to walk towards his base. Dream normally takes his suppressants. Everyone believed he was an Alpha. I mean who wouldn't. Dream was one of the strongest fighters. He was skilled in combat. No one but Techno could beat him in a one on one. Even then it was a close battle. Dreams gone head-to-head with many Alphas and won. No one knew he was an omega. Not even his close friends. Dream had an Alpha body posture and mind. No one could look at him and go oh that's an omega. No, they would look at him and go "Oh damn that's an Alpha." No one would even think that he would be a beta much less an omega.

Dream got really dizzy. He quickly went and leaned up against a tree. Dream was doing his best to cool down. Suddenly Dream smelled Alpha pheromones. Dreams head shot up. He looked to see Tommy 20 feet ahead of him. Dream froze as more Alpha pheromones swept over Dream. Tommy started walking over to Dream. Dream started panicking. Tommy's going to figure out Dreams an omega. He'll then expose Dream to everyone. Dream grabbed onto the hilt of his sword. He didn't want to kill Tommy. Not yet anyways but he can't have Tommy telling everyone he's an omega. 

Tommy got over to Dream. Dream started to pull out his sword when Tommy wrapped his arms around Dream and pulled him close. He shoved his head into the nook of Dreams neck. He started smelling Dreams Pheromones. This caught Dream by surprise. Dream pushed his sword back into his sheath. He grabbed onto Tommys arms. "Tommy" Dream asked worried. Tommy nuzzled more into Dreams neck. "Omega" Tommy said. Dream filled with panic. Tommys in runt. Dreams heat must have triggered it. Tommy started to move his hands. A shiver went up Dreams spine as Tommy slid his hand into Dreams shirt and was touching his bare back.

"Tommy stop" Dream cried out. He grabbed both of Tommy's arms and tried pushing him away, but Tommy didn't budge. Dream was weak right now and Tommy's strength increased on the pure intent of wanting to fuck an omega. Dream wouldn't be able to pry him off. "Tommy stop now" Dream tried growling but came out as more of a whimper. Tommy slid his hand up dreams back and up to his head. He started to pet Dreams head. "Omega" Tommy said but sounded a bit like a growl. Was Tommy trying to comfort Dream? "Tommy it's me Dream. Let me go. I'm not an omega. Your body just thinks I am" Dream lied trying to get Tommy to let go.

"Omega" Tommy said. He took the hand off of Dreams head. He reached down and unclipped the sword. The sword dropped to the ground. Dream looked down at the sword with fear in his eyes. Tommy reached his hand up and grabbed Dreams mask. "Stop" Dream yelped as Tommy pulled the mask to the side. Tommy could see the fear in Dreams eyes. "Tommy sto-" Dream was cut off as Tommy had put his hand on the back of Dreams head and locked lips with him. Dream tried to push him off to no avail. Tommy pulled away and a string of saliva connected their lips. 

Dream was trying so hard to keep a hold of his mind. To not let the lust, take over. Tommy then reached down and grabbed Dreams butt. Dream jumped a bit in shock. Tommy started to fondle Dreams butt. "Tommy stop please" Dream whined. Dream could feel the slick running down his leg. Tommy groped his butt and then started to kiss Dreams neck. "Tommy" Dream cried out. Dream could feel that his legs where ready to give out. Tommy reached down to his legs and swept him off his feet.

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