Chapter 24

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Puffy pulled out a bunch of different outfits.  She laid them out on the table. "Pick out which ones you like," Puffy said stepping away from the table. 

Atticus walked over and got on top of the chair to see better. His eye immediately caught onto a light lime green hoodie. He pointed to the hoodie. "That one looks nice," Atticus said and looked toward the two adults. 

Puffy smiled sweetly. "My son always loved having on a hoodie so I have a lot if you want" Puffy said. 

Atticus smiled and looked down at the hoodie. It reminded him of his mom. His mom always wore a hoodie. Most likely due to them living in the snow. "My mommy likes them too," Atticus said.

"Do you know where your mommy lives? Maybe we can get you back to your family" Tommy said.

Atticus thought for a while. "Um, snowy mountains," Atticus said.

Puffy and Tommy got a shocked face. 

"What," Atticus asked confused, looking at them worried.

Puffy smiled sadly. "Well, it's just the closest snowy mountain is 10 days away. And the next closest is 13" 

Atticus looked down at the hoodie sadly. "So, I won't be able to get back to my mommy," Atticus said and started to tear up. 

Tommy walked over to the kid. He pulled him into a hug. "Don't worry. I'll help you find your mom. I'm sure he's looking for you as well. In the meantime, you can stay here, and I can teach you a lot of cool things" Tommy said trying to cheer up the kid. 

Atticus hugged Tommy back. "Okay," Atticus whimpered. 


Tommy was walking down the prime path with Atticus sitting on top of his shoulders.

"Hey Tommy" they both heard a man call out. 

Tommy turned to see Sam walking towards them. "Sam" Tommy said in his usual loud voice. 

Sam walked over to Tommy he looked up at Atticus. "I didn't know you had a child"

Tommy smiled softly. "He's not mine. I just found him wandering the nether. Atticus this is Sam, Sam this is Atticus"

"Hi" Atticus said with a big smile

"Atticus!" Sam said shocked recognizing the name. That was the name Dream was going to name his child. Sam looked up at Atticus and  saw the similar resemblance. The greenish blue eyes and the light sandy blond hair. He's gotta be Dream's kid. 

Sam looked down at Tommy with a sad look on his face but Tommy couldn't see due to the mask. "Tommy, Dream's going to be coming after this kid" Sam said.

"Who's Dream" Atticus questioned leaning over to look at Tommy's face. 

Tommy quickly grabbed his arms to stop the kid from tipping over and falling. "Are you sure" Tommy questioned Sam looking at him with a serious look on his face.  

"Yeah" Sam said as he nod his head.

"Tommy whose Dream" Atticus asked leaning over even more. 

Tommy jerked back and forth to get Atticus sitting back up making Atticus giggle. Tommy smiled brightly "He's a bad man that escaped a long time ago but I'll protect you" Tommy said turning away from Sam and started walking away. 

"How'd he escape?" 

Sam watched Tommy walked away. He raised his hand up to try and stop Tommy but clenched his hand and pulled it closer to his chest. Sam turned around and started walking towards the prison. 

He couldn't tell Tommy that Atticus was Dreams kid. Tommy looked happy being with him. He hadn't seen Tommy smile like that in a long time. If Tommy found out Atticus was Dreams kid how would he react. Would he hurt him. Sam couldn't let that happen. 

Sam walked closer to the prison. He looked up at it. He could remember the first time Dream came back. Sam raised his hand up and covered the left side of his mask.


Sam was in prison. Techno, Eret, and Tubbo came after him and locked him up in the prison. Now Dream was leading Sam through the prison to let him out.

They got out into the main hall. Sam looked at the portal. He turned back towards Dream who was looking at the leavers. "I see that you're not pregnant anymore" 

Dream looked back at Sam. "Yeah"

"Was it a boy or a girl?"

Dream turned towards Sam. "Why do you want to know?"

Sam looked away. "I-"

"You wanted him for yourself didn't you?" Dream said folding his arms.

Sam looked up at Dream shocked but then looked away. "Yeah I did" Sam admitted. 

Dream let out a hum. "He's a boy. Little Atticus"

Sam smiled gently. "Are you going to make this your home to keep your child safe in?"

"No" Dream said and walked over to the desk. He sat on top of it. "I'm going to raise my kid far away from the chaos of the SMP. A peaceful life hopefully. And hopefully this will be my last time coming back" Dream said.

Sam leaned against a wall and slid down it. "Then why are you wanting access to the prison?"

Dream looked at Sam. He raised his hand up and pulled off his mask. "For the slight chance I do have to come back I will have a fortress to keep myself or my kid safe in" Dream jumped off of the desk. "Who knows. Maybe if you're good you can be his godfather" Dream said pulling out his axe.

"I could" Sam asked hopeful, looking up at Dream. His hope dropped as he saw Dream looking at the axe turning it in his hand.

Dream looked down at Sam. "Yeah maybe. As much as I hate you I could see you making a good father if I died" Dream started walking towards Sam. "You'd definitely be able to keep him safe in this impenetrable fortress that no one can get in or OUT of"

Sam pulled his limbs closer to his chest. "Dream you don't have to kill me" Sam whimpered. 

Dream got closer. "Don't think of it as killing. More like... repaying a favor" Dream said getting closer. "I'll let you out, You can leave. I'll leave. Go raise my kid but you need to know not to fuck with me. After this we'll be even. Who knows. Maybe next time we meet we can become friends" Dream said and stood over Sam. He raised the axe up. "If you want you could be Atticus's god father, but all of his family would have to be dead first" Dream said and slammed the axe down on Sams face.

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