Chapter 11

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Dream saw that Ranboo was starting to second guess himself and was leading into a panic attack. He had his hands on either side of his head holding his head. Dream wanted to help. He stood up. "You need to face the truth" Dream said. Ranboo snapped his head up at Dream. "No, I am facing the truth. The truth is that you're- you're a terrible person... and that you- you've done so much to hurt everyone. You know I could-" Ranboo said before dream cut him off. "No, the truth is that you've helped me. You've helped me in so many ways. I appreciate it. You've helped me" Dream said. "No. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I could- I could never let myself work with someone who hurt so many" Ranboo said panicking. 

"Ranboo afterwards you had asked if you could help your friends after the war. I let you. You can't remember because you weren't you at the time. You were your other self" Dream said. "No! No! Stop talking. What other self? No stop. Stop talking I'm done" Ranboo said starting to panic more. "Ranboo you helped me" Dream said. "No, I didn- If I helped you as much as you say I did how come I can't remember any of it? Hu?" Ranboo asked. "You do. You just can't remember it right now. But when you're your other self you can" Dream said. "What other self? I have no other self" Ranboo shouted. "The scared little omega boy that I helped save" Dream said. 

Ranboo's breath hitched. His breathing started to become heavier. "You know- You know I'm an omega. No one knew- except Tubbo. He's the only- he's the only one I told. I know. I-I wrote it down in my..." Ranboo's words trailed off. He looked up at Dream. "In my memory book" Ranboo said in a whisper. His eyes turned purple, and his mouth sealed up. Purple tears fell from his eyes but stopped mid-way down his face. He looked over at Dream. He walked over to dream towering over Dream. He looked menacing and ready to kill.

Ranboo dropped down and put his ear to Dreams stomach. His ear twitched a bit trying to listen in. "Ranboo I said next time. The baby doesn't move around a lot. In a week or two they'll move a bit more" Dream said. "Shh I'm listening" Ranboo hushed. His ear twitched a bit. "Aww I'm hearing a bit of movement. Oh! it just stopped" Ranboo said excited. Dream chuckled and put his hand on his head. "Waahh I can hear it's little heartbeat" Ranboo cooed happily. Dream smiled. Ranboo pulled out his journal. He started to write in it. "What are you writing" Dream asked. "Times that I can remember everything. It's starting to decrease. It's been a couple of weeks now since last time" Ranboo said. 

Dream looked down at Ranboo's journal and back at Ranboo. "What do you think causes the switch to flip" Dream asked. "Panic. When my forgetful state gets to a point of panicking and stressing over something I'll get my memories" Ranboo said. "Oh, I see. We really got to get different names for your forgetful stage" Dream said. Ranboo thought for a moment. "How about boo Cause it's kinda like a ghost. Like when ghost die, they forget their past life. My forgetful state only remembers up to coming to the Dream SMP. Nothing past it. Nothing before you revived me" Ranboo said. Dream thought for a moment. "Yeah, okay that makes sense" Dream said. Ranboo smiled. 


Dream was sitting against the corner as usual. He saw the lava flowing down. 'Quackity' Dream thought. As the lava lowered more he was surprised to see Ghostbur. The bridge started to come over. Dream saw bubbles from an invis potion. Dream got a bit concerned. His fear heightened as he saw a netherite axe being pulled out. "Stop, stop, stop. Stop moving right now" Sam called out as Ghostbur got to the cell. Dream saw the floating axe. It was Techno's axe of peace. He could tell because of the carvings in the hilt. 

Was Techno here to break him out? No Techno didn't have his axe anymore. He lost it. Tommy has it. Tommy!!! "I've stopped, I've stopped, I've stopped" Ghostbur called out. "Walk to your left Ghostbur" Sam shouted. Ghostbur moved to the left side. "Who's there. Who is there, who is there? Stop whoever's invisible stop right now" Sam called out. Dream could see the axe trying to hit him. "Stop this instant. Don't move" Sam growled. Panic started to rise up in Dream. Tommy was after Dream. He wanted to kill him. He wanted to kill Dream, but that would also kill the baby.

"Get back on the bridge right now" Sam growled. Dream could see the axe trying to hit him. "Get back on the bridge right now" Sam growled. "Come here you mother fucker" Tommy shouted trying to hit Dream. Dream just curled up even tighter. "Get on the bridge" Sam shouted. "I think he knows you're here" Ghostbur said. "Get on the bridge" Sam shouted again. Tommy tried hitting dream again. "If you don't get on the bridge I'm going to kill you until you're dead" Sam growled. "Oh Fu- fu-" Tommy said getting on the bridge. He ran at Dream trying to hit him again. "Get on the bridge. Walk back with the bridge right now" Sam growled

Tommy went back onto the bridge. "Get on the bridge, get on the bridge and walk back. Walk back right now" Sam growled. "Fuck you" Tommy shouted. The bridge started to move with Tommy on it. "g- ghostbur" Tommy said. "Whoever is invisible, take this" Sam said as the bridge got back. Sam held out a cup of milk. "Drink this right now" Sam said placing the glass down. "Drink that right away" Sam said standing up. Smoke was seeping from the mask. "Drink that right now" Sam said as the glass was picked up. "Fuck" Tommy shouted as he downed the glass. 

His invisibility went away revealing Tommy with a little white strip in his hair. "Tommy" Sam shouted. "Let me go b-" Tommy shouted before Sam cut him off. "What are you doing here" Sam shouted. "I'm here to fucken- Let me go back over right fucken now" Tommy shouted. "No" Sam shouted. "What do you mean no" Tommy shouted. "Tommy what are you doing" Sam shouted. "Let me go over" Tommy shouted. Sam started to try and compose himself. "Tommy" Sam said. "Let me go over. I was that close" Tommy shouted. "I should kill you" Sam shouted grabbing Tommys shirt pulling him closer. "Don't even. No- no, no, no." Tommy shouted pulling away ripping his shirt a bit. "Don't fucken kill me" Tommy shouted.

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