the battle of the department of mysteries

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Here he was again. 5th year and it's like no other. He wouldn't be the mighty harry potter. The chosen one if he wasn't fighting some sort of battle against the Dark Lord or his little minions.
This time it's no other than Bella Lestrange and Lucius Malfoy. He most loyal followers.

Sometimes I wish he wouldn't be such a chicken and face me himself but I'm not brave enough or trained enough for that.

Just yet.

But secretly harry knew. Harry knew his fate. He also knew others' fates. And that's death by the war. Death all because of him and harry really didn't want this all at all. If he could just stop everything right now he honestly would. It would stop the loss of Remus, Fred, Tonks and so many more.

He already had on his mind that Cedric died because of his stupidness and he couldn't let any suffer any more pain due to his yet here he was walking straight into danger because his friends wouldn't let anything happen to him at all.

His friends just had to insist they walk into the department of mysteries with him so he was safe but God dammit he couldn't live with himself if just anything would happen to any one-off them. Especially Ron and Hermione. They had become parts of him and without them. He knew he'd spiral maybe even fall into a session of depression.


After plummeting and falling to the ground. After going a million miles quickly through the floo and landing face first into the department of mysteries. I knew he'd be there. He had let me know. Called me if you will. To warn me they had Sirius. My Padfoot. My god father. They had him trapped. God knows what they could do with him. He's spent his life in hell as it is. Spending the first half being abused by his parents and   the second half rotting away is Azkaban neither of which was deserved. And now he does not deserve this but here I am anyway trying my best to save his arse from those treacherous death eaters.

"Department of mysteries. They got that bit right didn't they" Ron spoke cutting out from my current thoughts

And for the first time that evening I saw it. The thing that I will soon learn will change just about everything for me.

The archway. The old stone archway which contains the deathly veil. One that has the power to end a life in a heartbeat. One that soon. As Harry will learn will change his life forever. But maybe not in the way he intended.

"Get behind me" I screamed knowing. Just sensing the urge of danger surrounding us. Knowing that he or his deathly crew aren't too far behind. Ready to attack from all angles. Probably hiding in the dust. In the dark. Ready to attack at our most weak. But yet we aren't weak. No matter how much pain or hurt or death you give us. We will never be weak and we will always fight against you and we will always win.

No matter what.

As predicted a whole swirl of black appears above our head. Spinning around our bodies. Trying to stop us. Make us weak. Make us dizzy. These are the horrifying shadows of the death eaters. The ones that do the devils work.

But we must not be afraid.

I know what they are after. The one thing that's clutched tightly in my hands. Clinging to the ball like my entire like depended on it. Like how girls cling to the newest Gucci bags or Prada shoes.

Like nothing else matters.

We all flung to the floor. All around is just black. Black smoke. Trying to mess with our vision with our brains.

But we must no lose focus.

And just like that. The thing in the world I feared most. They captured my friends. The people I love most in the world. With their wands around their necks. Everywhere I turned my friends were caught into the hands of evil. Into the hands of death. And I knew. I just knew I should have fought alone. No one would be at risk of death right now if I had insisted on going alone. Braving the stupid devil alone.

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