parties with drarry

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Hey so for this chapter I should warn you there is slight smut at the end of the chapter it isn't heavy mostly is just implied. I think it is fairly clear where it starts but it is at the line. 

"they wanted more" until the end. so if that is not something you would like to read that's okay. I hope to see you in the next chapter and a slight warning for swearing but anyways enjoy the next chapter!


Harry was currently back in his room He was extremely stressed. Today was possibly one of the weirdest days of his life to date. This says a lot considering he has literally come face to face with the Dark lord. It beats the day Hagrid broke down the door to tell him he is a wizard. This day beats defeating a three-headed dog or seeing someone living on the back of another head. That is because bringing back the dead is just something else. He still wasn't sure if everything was real. He was still partly convinced he was dead and this was his heaven. But his heaven would not look like this in a mile shot. He wouldn't be an utter git. He would just have a beautiful reunion with his parents and godfather and thank every one of them for everything they did for him. Even if it was at the young age of just 1. 

Currently, he had another issue to face. What to wear to the Malfoy Manor. Back in his life  Malfoy and him refused to get within two meters of each other and if we were forced by the summons of class, we would spend the time spitting insults at each other. It sometimes got as bad as climbing in trees just to spit insults. Looking back it looks very silly, No wonder there were dating rumors spiraling. But here in this world, it sounds as if  Malfoy and I are friendly maybe even more. 

And that strangely was something he wanted to see. 

After much deliberation and thought he decided on wearing casual wear. If all went well he wouldn't be wearing his clothes at the end of the night anyways. He was wearing a Slytherinerin green jacket fitted with a white polo dress shirt and just causal black jeans. He always had a slight feeling the hat was right and should have been placed in Slytherin . He secretly always thought he looked good in and for someone in Gryffindor he honestly had a lot of green in his wardrobe. 


Here he stood. Right in front of one house that at one point would have held him captive. The same place that would have caused Hermoine the mudblood scar. The same place Dobby would have met his unfortunate end. The place the killers and monsters would have gathered. The place that was pure evil. Expect none of that could have happened. Not in this life. expect he can't help but think that he is somewhat betraying people. But that isn't even possible. In this life, he doesn't even have Hermoine. 

He sighed and stood forward and opened the door with a slightly shaky hand. The inside was beautiful and huge. There are no words that would do the manor justice. everything was just grand. the room was draped in picture-perfect frames made from actual gold, inside were well-painted portraits of all sorts. Some of the manor. Some of the fountains and lakes with the most magnificent willow trees. It was a scene of utter peace and bliss. The windows were all covered in the finest velvet curtains matching the colour of the Malfoy crest, these were all fitted with a velvet tassel to allow sunlight in at a single request. Above his head was the most radiant chandelier made from clear glass that was delicate enough to shatter in a second. The grand staircase, joined at the top with the Malfoy crest, this could be seen in front it led up to the first floor of the manor. Decorated in the most grandest white stoned cobble and layered in the finest red carpet he had seen. It seemed like such a crime to walk up and ruin the ruby fabric. It was very obvious that the Malfoys had money. 

"Ah, there you are. You goose. We never thought you'd arrived. Thought you had ditched us for those horrid parents of yours" Blaise spoke coming up to the boy and grabbing him into and squeezing him tight. Blaise had clearly been here a while as he already smelt off vodka coke and cigarettes. 

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