What to do when everything feels lost

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"If you lot won't say it. I bloody will I am not scared in the slightest especially when it comes to him. I am fed up with seeing him hurt the people I love most" Peter grumbled 

"Pete please don't," Sirius warned 

"Don't what. Try and protect you all? I don't trust him he will only go and get drunk and high all over again. How many chances has he blown? He's literally going to Malfoys tonight. Do you all know what that is code for? Alcohol and sex" Peter argued. 

"You really think I didn't know that? This is all a test. I will give him a chance to come clean about everything. If he tells the truth about tonight then ill believe he is actually trying to be good. But if he lies..well in that case I have lost all faith" James informed him

"We all know as long as he's shagging it up with Malfoy. He will never change. Will, you just bloody wake up. Honestly, you can be an idiot at times. He and Malfoy are just all sorts of wrong" Peter grumbles. 

"And what the bloody hell is that meant to mean?" Regulus growls at him. His anger was tweaked in him very quickly. He has never been very fond of Peter he had always been that one marauder that did not quite sit right with regulus. Sirius was his brother and of course, he had no choice but to love him so they very much had a love-hate relationship. James well at first he really did hate James Potter. Mr I am absolutely perfect. He hated him. He stole Sirius from him. He had the perfect Parents. The best and closest friends. He had the popularity. He had the girl. He was everything that regulus hated. 

Things changed for regulus fairly quickly. He started to fall for James and fell for him hard. This all started when he got disowned. His parents never much approved of James in the slightest in their view James corrupted Sirius. So when he fell for James he was very scared and annoyed at himself mainly. He wanted to hate him so badly but  James is just so kind that one can't help but fall for him. The day he learnt this lesson was possibly the hardest day for him. It was the day he went from having everything to having nothing. It was the day he got disowned from the Black family. Regulus then did the only reasonable thing in his situation. He ran to the other outcast of the family. Sirius Black.  For everything the Black brothers have gone through he welcomed him with open arms. And because Effie and Monty love Sirius as their own of course they took in his brother also. This is how Regulus fell in love with James. That summer he fell head over heels. 

"Well I mean it's the Malfoys." He answered more like a question. 

"For a second I thought you had a problem with queers and I was about to kick your arse in wormy" James threatened 

"Oh please I have three queers as friends and I don't love you no less" Peter dismissed James

James just rolled his eyes. Regulus sighed extremely loudly. Sirius just grabbed Remus's hand and Remus gave him the look of death. 

"Can we please get back to the topic of your troublesome son, please? What are we going to do about him?" Remus asked to the group

"This isn't just his fault and you know that. You have to. We were bad when we were younger and in a way, we kind of asked for this" James told his friends and boyfriend. 

"I can verify, You guys were goddam awful. You had a detention every day. Poor Minnie, she was practically losing her hair because of you lot. God knows what she thought when Harry joined Hogwarts." Regulus stated

"Hey! we had a party or two and did pranks. We weren't constantly high on drugs" Remus fired back 

"In any case, he isn't going to get any better without us  and arguing is not in the slightest going to help matters, we need to work together in this," Regulus told the rest of the group. 

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