♡Chapter 3♡

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Travis glanced over to Sal and back at the teacher. He sat back down in his seat slouching. "What is it" "well Mr. Phelps. You're failing pretty badly! I was wondering if Sal would be willing to help you study" the teacher snapped back at the blond boy.

"I- I don-" Sal started to speak "NO! I'M NOT GONNA STUDY WITH THAT FREAK!" Travis yelled jolting up slamming his hands against the desk. Sal hung his head down glancing at Travis.

"PHELPS! THAT IS NO WAY TO TALK TO ME OR SAL" Travis rolled his eyes grabbing his bag "whatever, you old hag" he mumbled walking out making direct eye contact with a brown haired metal head. "Travis. What the fuck was that!" Larry asked "mind your own business Johnson" Travis grumbled pushing past him.

Travis's pov.

I pushed pass Larry heading into the boys washroom heading into a stall.. God. Why am I such a fucking idiot? No one likes me... but do I want them to like me? I'm nothing but a peace of trash! I'm just like Him. Like my dad. I'm no better then that man! I'm just a sinner... I hurt the people I love. I made my mom leave, I made my dad hate me... I wish I could be normal. I WISH I COULD BE FUCKING NORMAL! I WISH I COULD BE A GOOD SON! JUST ONCE! MAYBE. JUST MAYBE... my dad would love me then.

Hah- what am I even saying? No one would ever love me. Not even Sal! No matter how much I love that boy he'll never love me back, and even if he did I could never be with him! It's wrong! It's a sin! My dad... he'd- he'd kill me on sight if he knew. And plus how would Larry, Or Todd, or Ashley ever forgive me? I'm ruining their life's, and for what? To try to get my dad to finally love me? Or so I have a little more hope my mother may just come back one day?

Or is it for a man I don't even know? The man who made me this way. A disgusting sinner. Maybe I was never ment to be here.... Maybe I should have never been born! Maybe my dad should have killed me a long time ago for making mom leave! If that happened every one would be so happy! My dad would still have my mom, Sal wouldn't be so mentally damaged from me. I mean for God sake the poor boys mom died and that was hard enough on him, then he has to come here and deal with me! I should do them all a favor and end it. Shouldn't I? That would be best for everyone. Even me.

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