♡chapter 6♡

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Sal sat Travis on the couch and went to get him some water to help him calm down. Sal got the water and handed it to Travis, sitting next to Travis. "So... how'd he find out?" Sal asked looking away from Travis. "I said something about it in my..... suicide note"  Sal quickly looked back at Travis worried.

"Why-? Why would you want to do that!?" "To make your life better and your friends life's better! And so my dad may have gotten my mom back!" Sal and Travis both fell silent again. Rain started to tap against the window. "Travis... I- I like you dude! You're a cool friend! Just please never do that again, okay?"

Travis nodded holding back more tears "I'm sorry Sal. I'm so, so sorry for everything I've done." He said as he gripped his shorts. He soon after quickly stood up "I should leave, I'm sorry for bothering you. Thank you Sal." Sal grabbed his arm and shook his head "For one, it's raining outside. For two, you're staying with me until we figure things out." Travis signed and sat back down resting his head on sals shoulder almost immediately falling asleep.

A Risk Worth Taking  (Salvis)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt