Chapter 4

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They sat at the church, quietly talking to themselves. Fatui agents stationed were threatened by the winds and were escorted out by some of the nuns.

The nuns heard the commotion outside and although they wanted answers and to apologize to Wendy; they knew there was a separate time for that.

As much as Wendy would've wanted to end the agents. She knows better than to ignore the acting grandmaster. "Apologies, Jean — Vanessa apologizes as well." The falcon bowed down a bit. Barbara was off to the side processing the accident few moments ago.

"Sister Barbara? I deeply apologize that you couldn't find out about this is a more — er — peaceful way." Wendy bowed at Barbara.

"What just happened revealed your secret.. we must put you somewhere safer. You shouldn't walk around anymore — there's a huge risk of those agents coming back for you." Wendy shaked her head.

"They won't come back; I want you to declare all Fatui personnels to be banned from entering Mondstat's perimeter." Jean's eyes widened. "Wouldn't that make us an enemy of the Tsaritsa?" She placed a hand above her chest. "Mondstat being her target is inevitable; Celestia is unfortunately nearer to Mondstat than to any other city." Wendy sighed. 'Not to mention I'm the gatekeeper of celestia...'

Vanessa - despite being a bird - looked guilty. "It's ok Vanessa..." Wendy sighed. "Kick them out as soon as possible." Wendy dismissed everything and was already making her way to the doors of the cathedral. The three winds followed her out.


Wendy leaned back on the hammock. She was back in her domain, planning. Books pilled up beside the hammock. She was in a circular marble plane surrounded by pillars that supported a dome shaped roof. Around it was open hallways only having marble flooring and pillars that support the roof. Hung from the ceiling were books wrapped in fine silk - most were green, some were black and faded and some were a worrying deep shade of red.

From the dome, line that were the hallway connected that formed an decagon around a tree as large as the one in Windrise. The tree was surrounded by seven pedestal that held seven books each. Four of which has a second book at the foot of the pedestal that was gray and faded.

At the opposite side of the dome was six doors, names sprawled across it. "I forgot to change the names again..." Wendy muttered.

A door suddenly opened. A man tall and lean entered. He had a decently long hair that was pulled back in a braid. A snake hung loosely around his neck and a Dendro vision that hung on his hip.

"I- AT LEAST GIVE ME A WARNING!" Wendy shouted at the man who just sheepishly smiled at her. "It's been a while-" "DON'T TRY TO DISTRACT ME WITH NOSTALGIA!" The goddess hit the man at the top of his head.


"You want to help me? What for?" Wendy and Baizhu sat the base of the tree. "Well, our dear brother was quite worried of you. Not to mention the plans the Tsaritsa seemingly has will bring harm to Sumeru - to the entirety of Teyvat actually!" Wendy stared back at him. "Morax can no longer help us, can he?" The mood shifted.

"For centuries did he oversee the creation of contracts between regions; peace lived through Teyvat due to his efforts. I knew the time he would step down would come.. yet I wished it wouldn't..."

Baizhu stared at her. "You make it sound like he's actually dead." They stared at each other with dumbfounded expressions before bursting out laughing. "I have an inquiry, do you know the terms they agreed with?" Baizhu tilted his head. "It was basically just an agreement that Morax will provide his gnosis with the assurance of Liyue not being harmed in any form by any of the fatui harbingers."

A sigh slipped out of her lips. "She entrusted her harbingers with too much power — now look at where it got the entirety of Tayvat." He eyes narrowed at the grass. "Not to mention the case of missing children back in Mondstat." Baizhu glared at the sky.

"What's your plan?"

(Kept Baizhu because most of the plot contained him and I didn't exactly want to remove him.)

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