Chapter 20

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Author's POV

The following day came and both ladies were sound asleep in their bed. On the other side of the house, there is a terrified teenager whose mind is racing frantically. Siena tossed and turned all night, only getting about two hours of sleep. She was so worried about what the social worker told the two women. Even though Maya tried to ease the young girl's anxiety, it didn't last too long.

She didn't know what to expect. In her bed, she was staring at the ceiling going through all the 'what ifs' in her head.

What if my dad finds me? What if I get put in a foster home? What if everything is fine, and I'm just freaking out and talking to myself in my head for no damn reason?! ugh!

She contemplated as she turned to her side, with her hand under her head. Eyes fixated on the light shining from her window, still thinking of more 'what if's.

It is hard for her to accept the fact that anything good will come from her being here. Yes, she's loved that they cared, she loved the attention, but was it all worth it? Was it worth the hurt and pain that she might endure? Yes. No.

Over in the master bedroom, a beautiful blonde had just awakened. When she first opened her ocean eyes, they immediately were looking for her wife, but she didn't see her. Maya felt arms wrapped around her lower stomach, and could tell Carina's head was under the cover. When she lifted the blanket, she let out a little chuckle. Her wife was laying on her boobs, snuggled up close to her wife with her arms around her.

Maya scooted herself down so that they were both under the cover and her wife's face was next to hers. For a while, Maya was admiring her view and the beauty that was in front of her. Reminiscing about how they met, and the love they have for each other. With everything going on, they haven't been able to spend any quality time together. Yes, they see each other every day, but Maya missed her wife.

Knowing that they had a few things to take care of today, Maya decided it was time to wake up the gorgeous Italian even if she was enjoying watching her sleep.

She then wrapped her arms around her wife and began to rub her back softly, and lightly press kisses all over her face. At first, it was taking a while to get a reaction from her, but then Carina scooted closer to Maya, and buried her head in Maya's neck.

Maya POV

"Good morning gorgeous," I commented as I continued to draw circles on her back. She hummed back softly. I chuckled because I know she is not a morning person. I pulled the cover from over our heads, and Carina let out a whiny noise. "C'mon Carina, you know today is going to be a pretty busy day."

"But bambina I'm so tired," Carina whined, as her face pushed closer into my neck."Ok, I'll give you 10 minutes." I said as I was moving to get out of bed, but was stopped by her wife clinging to her.

"Cuddle with me please," my wife pleaded while she looked at me with her gorgeous brown eyes. I couldn't tell her no, and I am not about to deny any love from her. "Of course," I said as I pulled the covers back over us and cuddled next to her.

Within those ten minutes, she was back to sleep so, I softly unhooked her slender arms from around my neck, and slid out of bed to not wake her. I went to get myself ready for the day. Brush my teeth, wash my face, do my hair, and change into a running fit.

After I finished tying my shoelaces on my running shoes, I go kiss Carina on her forehead and make my way to Siena's room. Before I enter, I knocked softly to see if I would get a response, but I didn't.

I walk in and notice she is faced the opposite way from the door, and figure she is sleeping. So I tip-toe to the other side of the room to give her a peck on her head. I heard someone chuckle and I looked up.

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