The Wizard Council

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“Don’t think I didn’t notice.” Maya had her famous mischievous smile.

“Notice what?” I questioned.

“You and the stupid bat prince,” She smiled even wider, “Ya’ll were flirting.”

My head never turned so fast to look at the smug girl.

“We weren’t flirting, in case you haven’t noticed he’s the enemy. The same enemy trying to sacrifice you to his War Lord???” I continued to list reasons until Maya interrupted me.

Okay, okay . . . . you weren’t flirting, I get it.” She mocked but still looked unconvinced.

“Oh, look. We’re here.” I stopped walking. “Luna Island . . . .”

We both turn and look around our surroundings, not really paying attention to where our feet lead us. Which unfortunately led us into a person who was singing a tune.

What we didn’t know was that this whole charade was on purpose.

“Oh! We’re so sorry! Let me help you.” I quickly went to his side to help him stand on his feet.

Gracias.” The man replied.

Maya picked up his crutch and handed it to him.

Gracias, niña linda.” He started to hop away on his only leg, grunting in pain.

Maya looked at me in guilt, I mirrored it, but we needed directions.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” I start. “Uh, do you know where we can find the Wizard Council by any chance?”

“Yeah,” He hesitantly replied. “I’d tell you, but it’s a secret to the non-wizards and witches.”

Not even wasting a second, he out-stretched his hand. He was expecting to be compensated for the information . . . typical.

“Huh? Oh, of course. I get it. I guess.” Maya flipped him a coin, which he caught and switched moods so fast, making you lift a brow in suspicion.

He points to a ginormous rooster building right in front of us with his crutch, “Welcome to the Luna Wizard Council.”

“What?” Maya questioned, “You mean we were already here?”

I knew it. I thought, rolling my eyes and started walking off to said building.

“Ugh! You hustler! I don’t have time for this.” Maya shoved past him and followed after me.

The man flipped the coin, not ashamed one bit.


“So, I told him, “Not today, Gandolfo!”” The Gran Bruja said triumphantly.

Everyone laughed at her joke, until Maya slammed Eagle Claw on the ground, gaining everyone’s attention.

Which worked, gasps coming from all around the room.

Princesa Maya? Lady Y/N” The Gran Bruja squinted.

“The Teca prophecy was wrong. We are the prophecy.” Maya explained, “And you, Gran Bruja, are the Great Rooster Wizard I seek.”

As if on cue, everyone in the council laughed. I furrowed my brows.

This isn’t going to end well.

“No, wait! I am!” Maya stammered, she looked humiliated. “ I am. I’m the Great Eagle Warrior.”

Word count 459.

I'm so sorry for the very long wait! I know the chapter is short but I'll be updating again tonight, to make up for the haitus!

Thank you for reading! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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