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The agents skipped the hellos and the small talk and got right to the point. In fact, one of the first things that the female agent said was to Amber, and it was, "You need to go." Of course, Amber being Amber, began to argue, but when she noticed the grave expressions of the other four teenagers, she realized that this was serious, and she needed to listen to these agents. And so, she left after Emily told her that she'd call her when it was okay to come back over.

Shortly afterwards, the group entered the home, and the agents sat the teens down in the living room and began to tell them a lot of very troubling information. The first point they touched on was Eleven's current situation: she had been rescued from the police by Dr. Owens en route to the jail, but shortly after, agreed to take part in a secret project to get her powers back. Where this was taking place or what exactly this 'project' was, the agents wouldn't say, which frustrated the teens.

Secondly, the agents began to explain what was happening back in Hawkins. Specifically, the strange and horrific deaths that kept occurring among the teenagers of the town. The police were set on pinning them on another teen, but the scientists knew better, and were suspecting that this was likely connected to the supernatural disasters that had been occurring every year in Indiana since 1983. What they didn't know, however, was how or why it was happening.

"I'm sorry, I guess I'm having trouble understanding any of this," said Jonathan with hostility. "I mean, what exactly is going on in Hawkins? What's doing these killings?"

"That's what we're trying to ascertain," said the female agent. It seemed she was the one in charge, since two male agents were standing silently on either side of her like bodyguards.

"Where'd you take my sister?" Emily asked.

"For her safety, it's best you don't know."

Emily's brows furrowed. "You can't be serious."

"I'm afraid I am."

Emily let out a deep, shaky sigh. If it was that important for Eleven's location to be kept completely secret from even her family, that must mean that someone - or potentially something, keeping in mind the events of '85 - was after her. Noticing her worry, Mike placed a comforting hand on Emily's knee.

"So this training... I mean, to get El's powers back, how long is it gonna take?" Jonathan questioned.

"Could take weeks, could take months," the agent replied.

"Months?" Will repeated.

"Until then, agents Harmon and Wallace will stay with you." The woman pointed at each of the other two agents.

"We're not the ones in danger," said Mike.

"Our friends live in Hawkins," said Will.

"My family lives in Hawkins!"

"And I'm sure you know better than we do that Hawkins probably doesn't have weeks, and definitely not months," said Emily.

"Yes, I am aware of that," said the agent, "which is why I'll work to contain the situation until Eleven is ready. In the meantime, it is of vital importance that you do not speak to anyone about this."

"No. No way!" said Mike.

"I know this is difficult to understand."

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