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Saturday, October 5th, 2019
Wang Yao

Today was just as crowded as yesterday, the only difference was today we had no meeting hall, no specific room for all of us to run at for a decent seat. We were all crowded together with around 40 nations being on the trip it was possible to move around if you were travelling alone but if your trying to get by with a friend then there was an 80% rate of both of you losing track of each other like some western club. 

We might as well guess which deodorant brand belongs to which country, I'm going to guess the smell of cheese is coming from Switzerland.

I got on my toes trying to see through the crowd but that was a failed attempt. From what I can tell it looked pretty sad, to be honest. First, there was Ukraine that was sitting down and leaning against the wall holding her left breast, I wonder if it is hurting particularly bad today.

Then there was Iceland and Hong Kong. They both seemed bored and disappointed they couldn't find a plug for their computers, but they didn't need those they did nothing on them but chat with each other. They are right next to each other in real-time time why would they go the extra mile to bring their computers, it serves no use to them and it's more of a nuisance. While I watched both of them Hong Kong and I caught each other's gaze, he rolled his eyes then looked back over at the front of the line, also leaning on the wall, but kept me in his sight line. At this time I really wished I had my pan or wooden spoon to threaten him into treating his elders with respect, but I merely pointed at my shoe and then alerted him on all of the other nations around us, I know he got the message when he tensed up and looked down.

He was probably mad I forced him to come along on this trip I mean once I noticed how little he was going outside and told him he should join a sport or do something that requires some kind of physical activity yet a day later when I came to check on him he was "swimming" on his bed wearing his swimming trunks, I mean Aiyah!-how much more can that bow be addicted to technology. So today I woke him up bright and early to see if he was planning on going, of course, he was not but I made a last-minute call to Clio and dragged him along.


A loud sound was next to me waking me up with a scare, it was ringing so loudly I must have woken up my next-door neighbour. Why was the alarm clock in this room so loud? I'm too young to be dying of a heart attack, not yet gosh... I quickly turned it off before I could get a noise complaint. I didn't have any more suits as today I just planned to visit by looking around by doing some tourist stuff.

Rummaging threw my bags I took out a pair of black loose pants and a loose dress shirt with a loose thin black coat, it wasn't my best outfit in the world but it was sufficient for today.

I looked at the alarm clock again and then opened my phone for mine and Clio's texts from last night it was currently 9:10, I woke up at 8:50 and have to leave around 10:00 so I've still got some time before leaving, maybe a nice breakfast downstairs will be nice. I grabbed the key that said room 107 off my nightstand, put all of my valuables inside a safe, and promptly locked it. Then doing the same with the room, walked down the hallway to the elevator.

But before that, I took a one-minute detour to Hong Kong's room knocking on it gently before hearing a small "Who is it?" Call out, "It's China I want you to go down to breakfast today so you don't stay cooped up in here while I'm gone on the trip, I know you probably don't want to go so I want to make sure I see you interact with people before that," I said. The hum I heard in the agreement was enough for me. The restaurant was on the first floor near reception with a nice view of some ancient ruins. The restaurant was full enough for a bunch of nations staying at the hotel, it didn't surprise me really as all the food here was free and every nation had pretty much the same schedule, the ones that weren't here either chose to not come with Clio or are just getting room service.

Hetalia meets Countryhumans RewriteUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum