
65 3 0

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Feliciano Vargas

I didn't remember falling asleep in the woods last night... I remember falling asleep on a futon while Germany tried to stay awake longer, even if he was very tired. The woods were very dark and cold, I could only imagine how late at night this was. I had to make my way back to the castle, maybe I could use the trick with the stars that Luddy taught me.

I looked up and there were no stars, it was like being trapped under a giant black blanket. With just me and this forest. I just had to remember what Luddy told me that one time we went inside a haunted corn maze and I was afraid to get lost, 'just stay put and I'll find you' so now I know that he'll find me soon enough. "Ludwig!...Ludwig!! I'm over here" I yelled, maybe it would help him. I got more and more uncomfortable with the scenery. 

It was getting colder and colder by the minute until I looked down at my hands. I had red fingertips. Cold skin and prickling feeling with numbness and inflamed or discoloured skin. I tucked my hands under my armpits hoping that my body heat would warm them up. "Ludwig I'm over here!! My fingers are a bit frostbitten but it's fine it's only the earliest stage!! Ludwig!!" I walked around calling Luddy's name.

I still kept within where I stood a minute ago only walking about 3 meters out. As I call out his name. Suddenly I heard some noises coming from behind a bush. But sadly it wasn't Luddy, the bush was way too small for him to hide, this was something else. A wolf, or more specifically, a Canis lupus italicus, my national animal. It walked out of the bush looking very angry, its ears were straight up and bared its teeth, it was snaking, nipping, biting, every type of way this wolf could show it was angry. That's when I ran. I know it was stupid but I had to do something, I had to get away, and then figure out how to get back home.

I kept jumping over logs and other obstacles while crying. it seemed to be working until I tripped on an old root from a nearby tree that was poking out of the ground. I fell on something sharp cutting the side of my calve. Fumbling my foot out of the root I look to see what it was. It was something I hadn't expected, in fact, it was a sword.

A very nice one, with intricate details on the hilt and a golden lion on the bottom. It fits in my hand nicely as I gripped it around the black leather. I looked back in front of me the wolf was back ready to pounce on me keeping me low to the ground, I thought about running away again but one of my legs was already injured.

I pointed it toward the wolf as I slowly backed up, the wolf decided to pounce. Naturally, I swung the sword towards it cutting open the wolf by the side of its neck, and the wolf retreated whimpering in pain. I thought that would be the end of this strange dream but it kept going as I turned around and faced a very gory and chilling scene. It seemed to be like a statue garden with 3 statues that stood in a triangle formation.

The first statue I examined looked much older than the other, with cracks already starting to form around her face and body, her sleeve was Roll down to the half of her forearm where bandages wrapped around her hand, and the other half along with fingerless gloves, she had a bayonet strapped on her back and her uniform untucked.I couldn't see her face her hair was blocking it and she was on her hands in knees looking to the ground. I wonder what happened to her she seemed to be injured with many rips and tears making her left side and right shoulder completely nude as the hols were present.

The next one seemed angry, not in a way of screaming but his expression wore a deep scowl and squinted eyes as if he was letting his anger boil inside of him. He wasn't wearing a war uniform like the other but a rather bland pair of long pants and a bland short sleeves shirt. His hands were in front of him down at his crotch held within handcuffs.

Then there was the third statue. Well, there was the pedestal too where a statue would be located. 

I don't know why but I felt something tell me to stand on it as if I was the 3rd statue. 

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