Chapter 1

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*Ryuu POV*

Hi. My name is Ryuu. Ryuu Yuriemoto. And I'm a kitsune fox spirit. I ran away from my home years ago because my parents wanted me to become a nogitsune, an evil fox spirit, to help them in their goal of taking over the human world. But I refused and so I ran away. But in doing so, I left behind my sisters and brother. I sometimes regret my decision of leaving home and my younger siblings, but if I didn't, then I would've probably hurt someone. Especially them. So now I live here in the human world, in the U.S. just wandering and hopping from town to town, city to city and state to state. Trying to find some peace in my life so that I can do what I do best which is being mischievous and pulling off pranks. As of now, I'm living here Blairwood just trying to hide from the eyes and clutches of my father and mother. But while staying here, I've sensed something unusual, almost as if there's another yokai or two. Well only time will tell on what will happen.

>Saturday Afternoon<

I was in my fox form exploring the woods just trying to relax. Everything was going swell until I heard voices just beyond the tree line. As I look out of a bush, I saw two men and a dog sitting on a couple of rocks. The dog looked like it was eating a couple of apples or something, I couldn't really tell. But as I examined the two humans talking, the one with the leather jacket on had his rifle go off unexpectedly and it hit the dog. As the two tried to figure out what had happened, I approached the little guy and examined him. It was truly an unexpected accident. As I sit there mourning the dog, he suddenly sprang back to life and started barking. As I try to figure out how this dog is still alive, the man with the rifle shot him again. I look over and I see them arguing.

???: A fox?


???: You saw that right? He just got back up! With a bullet in his head!

??: Stop shooting our dog! Do you have any idea what Erma might do if...

???: Hey! That first time was an accident! I was testing it this time!

And without a doubt, the dog started to bark again. What in the hell was going on here? This dog should be dead from the first shot but instead he stood up on his legs and started barking like nothing had happened. As I sit there looking as this zombie dog, a third shot had hit him. I look back to see the two men with the rifle in both their hands. And again, the dog still didn't go down as it continued barking.

Me: What the hell is going on?!

The dog stops barking and the two men look at me with shock.

Me: Who are you and how in the name is this dog still barking after three rifle bullets going right threw him?!

???: The fox.... is talking.... awesome.

The one with glasses approaches me as I sit there, still awaiting an answer.

Sam: Um hi. My name is Sam Williams, that's my brother Michael and this is our dog Siris. And to answer your other question, Siris is... a special dog I should say.

Me: That's an understatement. Wait Williams? Oh, you're that famous author who's been living here in Blairwood. I wonder why I haven't seen you yet?

Sam: I could say the same thing. My daughter always finds the most interesting people and is able to make pretty quick friends with them. By the way what's your name?

Me: Oh how rude of me. My name is Ryuu. Ryuu Yuri-

Michael: Hang on, time out!

Sam and I look over at Michel who is freaking out at the whole predicament which I understand.

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