Chapter 4

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*Erma POV*

I awoke to the morning sun hitting my face as I groggily sat up in my bed with my hair a mess from the bed. As I get up and leave the room, I notice Auntie Mayumi sitting at on the lobby couch making origami it seems. I walk up right behind as she puts the final touches on an origami crane, it suddenly comes alive flapping its wings and takes off. As we both watch it take off, someone else enters the room and it was Uncle Ryuu in a white t-shirt and some basketball shorts looking pretty tired.

Ryuu: *YAWN!* Morning Mayumi. Morning Erma.

I wave hello while Auntie Mayumi grabs her things and hurries back into her room and shuts the door closed. I wonder what her problem is with me and Uncle Ryuu. Uncle Ryuu then pats my head and motions me to follow him.

Ryuu: Don't worry Erma, Mayumi has always been the shy one. She'll warm up to you eventually.

As we started to walking to the dining room, we started to hear conversations coming from the room.

Ryuu: Guess everyone else is up. And it looks like their telling stories from the past.

We enter the room and see the rest of our family sitting at the table.

Emiko: Oh! Erma! Come have a seat, honey. Breakfast is ready.

Ryuu: Finally! I'm starving.

Yori: You're already up and craving for food immediately. It really is like you haven't left.

Ryuu: What can I say, food makes me happy.

Ena: Thanks for cooking today, Haru.

Haru: Ah, no problem. I hope you guys enjoy it.

As I sit down next to parents, Haru placed the food in front of us. But I noticed something interesting about the food that was placed in front of me and everyone else.

Sam: I'm noticing a certain theme in today's breakfast.

Kentaro: Hey Haru. What're these? Appetizers? Where's the real food?

Haru: That is the real food.

I look across from the table and see Uncle Ryuu with his hair covering his eyes and arms to the sides of his chair.

Me: 'Is he okay?'

I then look back to others talking, as I also took my chopsticks deciding on what to eat.

Fumiko: They're also an addiction of yours that we need to take care of.

Haru: *SIGH* Do we have to?

Fumiko: It's for your own good.

Ena: Well I say it was very nice of you.

Before I could dig in, there was a sudden slam on the table as we all looked in Uncle Ryuu's direction as he had his head on the table.

Sam: Uh, Ryuu?

Yori: You okay?

There was then a large growl from his stomach before he slowly lifted his head as we saw the anime style tears coming from his face as he looked at Haru.

Ryuu: Haru.

Haru: Uhhhhh, yes?

Ryuu: As much as I appreciate you cooking us a healthy breakfast, I just want you to remember that I am going to need A LOT MORE than this, for my breakfast. So tomorrow, please let me cook breakfast and I'll show you what I'm talking about.

Haru: R-Right.

Kentaro: Trust us when we say this, that his stomach is pretty much a bottomless pit.

As I was about to take a bite, I suddenly felt something wet hit my head. I look across from me and see Mitsu and Momo snickering at their achievement. I use my powers and send their bowls of food up onto their faces and at that point, we had a mini food war.

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