Chapter 6

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*Sam POV*

I was currently in the garden working on my journal until I was brought out of my thought from one of the maids.

Yuyu: Here's your tea, Samuel-san.

Me: Thank you.

As I took a sip of the tea, I was amazed with the flavor of the tea.

Yuyu: Do you not like it, sir?

Me: Actually, quite the opposite. I can't even begin to tell you how many cups of tea I've had in my life. And this... this is one of the best.

Yuyu: Oh. It's nothing. Just my own little recipe.

Me: Well you might need to shop this around. A taste like this can't go unnoticed. May I have some more? I might be out here for a bit.

Yuyu: (Bows in embarrassment) Of course, sir.

As she walks off, I go back to my writing as I think about what I want to write.

Me: 'It's been a few days since we arrived here. And it's only a couple more before the night of the parade. Still no sign of Emiko's and Ryuu's parents, which should be worrisome. From what I hear, it's been years since they've last been to the village. Nobody in town's too hung up about it. Not even Emiko, her sisters or even Kentaro. The only one who's been nervous about this the most is Ryuu. Can't really blame him though. But it kind of seems like they're hoping they don't arrive. I mean it's been pretty mellow around here compared to our first two days. Especially with the locals treating us with the utmost kindness. But I feel that things are... still not the best they can be.'


Emiko, Ena, Yori, Rin, Fumiko and Ryuu were in a courtyard with a band.

Me: 'Recently, Emiko and Ryuu have been trying to make up for lost time they possibly can with their siblings. Most of that time, they're helping their siblings. Well Emiko is most of the time while Ryuu is helping and playing with the kids. It's kind of funny seeing how casually they're talking to each other now, even with Rin. It's almost like she never left home. Still, I don't think everyone has come around yet.'


*Ryuu POV*

As the rock band let out some really freaking awesome music, I couldn't help but laugh at my sisters current status. Ena passed out, Rin was amazed and the others were in shock. I can tell that they each have their own preference when it comes to music.

Fumiko: Perhaps we'll need a different band. Can you get my list, Emiko?

Emiko: Sure.

As soon as Emiko left, Rin tried to persuade Fumiko to stick with the current band.

Rin: Fumiko, please! Please don't switch the band! Their music is awesome!

Fumiko: Rin, look at Ena, she's out cold. So no. We need a new band.

Rin: Aww man!

I put my hand on Rin's head so I can calm her down.

Me: Calm down Rin-Rin.

Rin: B-But I-

Me: Nope. No buts.

Rin: Oookkkaaayyy.

Me: Good. Now while you girls... (Looks at the still passed out Ena) figure out Ena's situation, I'm gonna go find Kentaro or something.

Yori: You're not gonna help?

Me: Nah! You girls got this.

I walked off into the house and ran into Emiko watching Mayumi walk away from her. I walk up behind her which startles her a little before she calms down.

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