Chapter Four

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Short recap: At the end of chapter two, Evangeline and Elmer had a late night conversation by the dock after Evangeline decides she can't sleep. Evangeline's father, Placide, was infamous throughout New York for his hero-like tendencies before he died. Her mother is out looking for his stolen sword. Evangeline and her family are Acadians, a group of French settlers who are known best for the expulsion of 1755.

"I don't care if it's your hairbrush!"

"Give it to me!"

"Angèle, she's pulling my hair!"

"Oh, pitché! Si tu ne voulais pas que je tire tes cheveux, t'aurais pas pris ma brosse!"

Évangéline was tired.

Having three kids to look after was a struggle. They very seldom listened to what you had to say, and you were lucky if you were able to get them up and out of bed in the morning. She didn't know how her mother did it.

"Guys, it's just a hairbrush," she practically begged. "Please get over it and finish getting ready. More than one person can use a hairbrush."

With some grumbling that was at least half directed at her, Annette and Léocadie both headed off in the opposite direction. Évangéline let out a sigh of relief. Turning to the youngest, she narrowed her eyes suspiciously. "T'es déjà prête?"

Madeleine nodded, smiling, and let her know that she'd gotten most of her stuff done while the two were fighting.

Well, at least I can count on one of them to be ready when I need them to be.

Which reminded her. "Halle ta frame, vous deux! Let's go!"

After a few more minutes, she was finally able to get them out of the house. It was by no means a long walk over to the newsies' lodging house, but it sure felt like it with the two bickering the whole way there. They should've been heading over to school, but with what Léo had pulled the day before, there was no chance that that would ever be an option again.

She had to stop herself from counting the days when they would most likely be back home.

She stopped them when they arrived, before they were able to storm the place. "Best behaviours, alright? No funny business. We're here because I have a job to do, and that's it. Keep your hands, eyes, lips to yourself... or else."

Léo rolled her eyes. "There's gonna be other kids. You don't gotta make it sound like we're walking into a dinner theatre."

Évangéline sighed. "Just behave."

Slowly, she opened the door, peeking inside. In the room sat a lone figure, hunched over something, rubbing his face. On closer inspection, Évangéline recognized the man as Jack.

She hesitated. She wanted to make herself known to him without seeming weird. Planned to say something polite and charismatic.

"Where's Elmer?"

Jack jolted, almost dropping whatever he had in his hands. When he finally had it secured, he sighed and turned to look at her. "Oh. It's you."

She couldn't decide whether he sounded relieved or annoyed.

"Is Elmer here?" she said again.

Jack nodded and stood. "Out sellin'. All our boys is."

"You aren't," she pointed out.

He huffed. "I was goin' out in a few. Who's tha kids?"

The three drew closer to Évangéline. Well, Madelaine and Annette did. Léo stepped forward and crossed her arms, undaunted.

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