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I usher Bianca into my office. "What the fuck Giovanni!" She shouts while pacing. My heart is beating so fast. Amara can't find out, it can't go back to Antonio. "B please calm down." She whips around her hand connecting with my cheek. A sting spreads across my face. My head gets turned to the side and I stay like that for a minute, I deserved it.

"So what? Are you gay? Are you calling off the wedding now?" She is fuming. I turn and face her. Hoping she can see how desperate I am for her to hear me out. "I've never been gender specific, I just never openly been seen with a anyone besides woman. No the wedding will not be called off, and you will not tell anyone about what you just saw." She turns away from me and heads to the sofa against the wall.

  She places her elbows on her knees and buries her head in her hands. "And why shouldn't I?" She doesn't look at me and I can her the disgust in her voice. I'm not sure if it's because she is hurting for Amara, or if it's because I kissed a man. "Because I'm your brother, and you wouldn't hurt me." She is silent for a few minutes.

  I walk over to the chair across from her, and take a seat. "I know this is a lot to take in, but please understand I didn't mean for this to happen it just did." My mind is racing right now. It also keeps drifting to Lo, he is probably freaking out. "I won't say anything to anyone, if you break it off right now." She demands. She's never been this angry with me.

  I feel like I've just been punch in the gut. All the air leaves me at once. I don't want too, I can't it's too so. Tears brim my eyes. She looks up at me. Her head snaps back when she notices I'm on the verge of tears. "Are you in love with him?" She sounds completely thrown off.

  "You love him." She answers for herself. She stands and I drop my head in my hands. Am I in love with him? "Gio. What did you get yourself into?" My body begins to shake with a cry. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I can't look at her.

  I'm ashamed with myself. I love Bianca too much and her disappointment hurts more than you know. She walks over to me and places her hand on my back. "Hey, look at me." I shake my head no, but she grips the side of my face and forces me. "This is wrong in so many ways Giovanni. You have a girl waiting to marry you, and you sleep with her brother. Nothing about that sounds right."

  More tears break through and I grip her hands. "Please don't hate me." My words come out choppy. Tears of her own slip through."I don't hate you fratello. I also don't hate that you feel for a man either, I just don't understand it, but what I will hate is that you are sacrificing your happiness, as well as Amara's for hiding this." She stands and walk into the office bathroom, it's small only has a toilet and sink.

  She comes out with some toilet paper and hands it too me. "What are you going to do." I hesitantly ask her. She walks to the door and pause at the door knob. "I'll let you decide. I've never seen you like this before, it's breaking my heart. Please make the right choice."

  After she leaves I try to collect myself before facing Lo. I stand outside his door for a second. I'm scared if I open the door he will end this, and I'm not ready for that yet. I inhale and twist the knob. When I open the door he is seated at the edge of the bed. He is only in boxers, and his hair is wet. He must've just showered.

  His eyes are bloodshot and he looks scared. Fuck it makes me feel sick to my stomach to see his this distressed. "My father can't find out Gio." He shoots off of the bed shaking his head over and over. "Gio please tell me she won't tell him, please." He is shouting. His hands are shaking, this is fucking killing.

  He turns away from me and punches the wall. I rush over to him grabbing him from behind and pulling his arms to his chest. He is breathing heavy. "Please." He begs me and I whisper in his ear. "Shhh capo. Everything is okay. Just breathe." I kiss under his ear. "She won't tell anyone I promise, you are safe with me."

  He relaxes against but he is still panting really heavily. I walk us over the the bed and lie him down. I brush the hair from his eyes. "Lorenzo-I." I stop myself from saying anymore, he's had enough for one night. I turn to leave, but he grabs my wrist. "Lie with me." I shut my eyes to conceal tears. I'm emotional right now and those words were what I needed.

  "Always capo." I crawl into bed next to him, and pull him into my chest. "I don't want this to end just yet." His voice is raspy from the yelling, and crying. "Then we don't." I want this to last forever more then anything.


Sorry for the short chapters. I'm trying to do better 🖤

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