Twenty eight

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I've never hated New York more in my entire life. We have only been back an hour and I want to leave. After I broke Gios heart, the authorities showed up at his house demanding me and Amara leave. I guess our father pulled some bullshit lie and got us sent back to the states. Gio didn't help, or tell them what my father said was a lie and I don't blame him. I hurt him, no not hurt, I broke him.

  The flight back was completely silent between me and Amara, I tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't even look at me. Luca and I exchanged a few words, but I think he just doesn't know what to do about the whole situation. I don't even know if he excepts me and Gio, or what we were. I hope he does because I really love him like a brother I don't want to lose him too.

  Pulling up to house made me furious. It wasn't the beautiful big, white, Italian home I grew to love. It was the cream, blain, flashy house every rich person in New York owned. Amara got out of the car right away and ran up the steps. I grabbed our things, placed them outside her door and locked myself in my room.

  I fucked up,and I fucking hate myself. I face plant into my bed, before my face hits my pillow the tears come rushing out. God I miss him.


    "Lorenzo!"  My father shouts at me. I'm still in bed, still faced planted into my pillow. I guess I fell asleep because I feel disoriented and sweaty. I lift my head and I'm met with his ugly eyes. The eyes that hold nothing but hate, and pain. I sit up and scoot far away from him.

  "Lorenzo, Jesus I thought you were died I've been shouting and shaking you for minutes." He places his hand over his heart, like it's a miracle I'm awake. Bull fucking shit he cared. Look at the bruise still left over from my beating. "Why would you care if I was anyways."

Regret, that instantly flashes in his eyes. "I may not understand the thing you are going through, but I don't want you dead son." I laugh. I laugh so hard I double over. "The thing" I'm going through. "I don't want you dead son" yeah okay.

  "Stop!" He demands. I don't. I don't stop until I can't breathe. "I'm sorry father, but that was hilarious. You don't want my dead, you particularly beat me to death the other day." I gesture to my face. He winces slightly. "I know. I would very much like to apologize to you about that, I never wanted to hurt you. It was just a reaction."

  "A reaction that almost cost my life. It hurt papa. Not only physically." He nods in acknowledgement. "I'm sorry. I'll apologize everyday if I have too. I promise, I never meant to hurt you." I run my hands over my face. I'm so sick of all the lies and the pain he causes me.

  "Like you didn't mean to hurt mama." I didn't even want to say that, but I did. I guess they were digging there way up. Begging to be released. I knew this would happen one day. "What?" His voice is full of agony. It honestly throws me off, but I narrow my brows and continue. Mama deserves this. "Don't act dumb father it doesn't look good on you. You know what I mean, you made her unhappy. You stole her from her life and forced her into a loveless marriage,"

  His fist ball at his side, but I keep going. "You made her so miserable she decided staying with me wasn't worth being married to you, so she killed herself." He lets out a gasp. "And I found her papa, I was five! I found her in the tub." I cry. He shakes his head. "That's what you think." He doesn't ask he is stating.

  "That's what I know, yes." His own eyes glass over. "Me and your mother met when I was just shy of being twenty. I saw her from across the room and instantly thought wow she is something else. Not in a bad way, more like a intriguing way. She was with some dickhead who was slightly embarrassed by what she was doing, but I was fascinated,"

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