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I'm so lonely. I went from having Amara, Giovanni,Luca, and even Mario to having no one. Amara even left Ruby in Sicily so I don't even have her to comfort me. I've been in my room dwelling on all the things I did wrong. The lying and sneaking around. That hurt Amara and even Luca was upset with me about the lying. I just can't forgive myself for hurting them, but especially for hurting Gio. He will never forgive me.

I haven't been the same since He walked away from me. I tried to leave the house once to go check on things at my club, since Luca hasn't even been around to check on them for the past few weeks, I knew I needed too. I was there for maybe three minutes before Gangsta's Paradise by coolio started playing.

  That song played the first night me and Gio kissed, we were walking into Hush and I felt invincible with him at my side in matching outfits with this song blasting. I threw papers at one of the security guards asked him to put them on my desk and rushed out of there.

  I've been in this house ever since. I only shower, eat, and sleep now. I can't bring myself to want to do anything else.

  Im about to have my second shower of the day out of pure boredom when Traitor by Olivia Rodrigo starts playing in the hall. I know this song by heart because Amara would play the SOUR album on repeat when it came out. My door burst open and she stands in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, looking almost as bad as I do.

  "Sing it out." She says before the song fully starts. Tears brim my eyes. I drop the towel that was in my hands and reach for the curling iron she has on her hands. She lifts a hair brush to her own lips and starts the song off. "Brown guilty eyes and little white lies,yeah." The lyrics hurt, but I don't stop her.

  I stand there with the iron in my hand while she belts out the courses. "You betrayed me." Once those words slip past her lips, I collapse. "Imsorryimsorry." I say so fast it jumbles together. She doesn't rush over to me and she doesn't stop singing. When the courses comes back a sob rips through my chest.

  Not only because I hurt her, but I hurt Gio. Gio probably feels like this. She shuts off the music and kneels in front of me. "You hurt me." Her eyes are red but no tears pour out of them. I look up at her with blurry eyes. "You are the one person I trust Lo, the one person I thought would never hurt me. I was wrong." I breakdown again. She gives me a minute before grabbing my face.

  "I still love you. You are my brother, I will always love you. And I know I didn't love Gio, but it still hurts that you would even go behind my back and steal him." Her lip trembles and my heart breaks. "But there is also a part of me that is so happy you did that. I am so happy you broke off a marriage I would've been miserable in, and I can see now that Gio would've been miserable as well. I'm also happy because you finally found love Lo. Something you never thought was possible for you."

  I take deep breaths. Calming down slightly when she runs her fingers under my cheeks wiping away my tears. "So now I need you too do something for me." I nod and stare up at her. I'll do anything for you Amara. "You need to go back to him." I choke on air and shake my head. "He doesn't want me anymore. I broke him." She looks confused for a second. "He loves you, I'm sure whatever happened between you two can be fixed." She sounds so sure of herself.

She has no idea. "It's not going to be that easy. I was horrible." She sits down and crosses her legs. "Let me be the judge." She motions for me to go on. "I don't want to relive it." She stands up fast. "Stop being a baby Lo. Whatever happened I'm sure fucking sucked, but you need to deal with it. I'm sick of hearing you cry every night." Im caught off guard. Amara never swears, she must be really fed up with me.

"Now tell me."

I nod this time and clear my throat. I look down. I can't see her face when she hears how horrible I was. I condense the four months I had with Gio, and how we fell for each other and when it came down to telling one another how we feel I backed out when Gio opened up. She sat back down after I told her about the night he took me to Mergherite. She held my hand when I started getting emotional again,but didn't speak until ai finished.

"I still think you have a chance at being happy with him." She gives me a small smile. I squeeze her hand. "Really?" She nods and we stand. "I don't want too leave you alone." She walks to my closet and pulls out a duffel bag. She doesn't respond to what I said

"Let's go get your man back." She throws underwear and shirts in the bag. "Let's go back home." I walk up behind her and she turns to me. "Im not leaving you behind Amara, if he forgives me. You are living with us." Her eyes get glassy and she places a pair of pants in the bag. "Well then I need to go pack."

She leaves and I drop to the edge of the bed. My heart and head pounding. What if he rejects me? What if he realized he didn't actually love me? What if? I have too try or I'll be stuck with the what ifs for the rest of my goddamn life. I reach for my phone and call my fathers private jet company. I'm coming home Gio, please be okay with that.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for the support I really appreciate it🖤 the story is coming to an end and I really hope you loved it as much as I loved writing it. Don't forget to check out Amaras story if you are loving  this one.

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