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"Fucking weirdo!" She heard as a this against the door made her jump. The local kids were throwing shit at her door again. She sighed and rubbed her eyes, she should have known better than move to some small town in the middle of nowhere. She was spoilt by city life where things were accepted. There was so much judgement here. This wasn't going to work out. With her bright blue hair, array of piercing and dark clothes and make up she stood out like a sore thumb.

The locals had been harassing her since she moved in. Dirty looks in the street, kids constantly throwing things at her door and the neighbours had tried to call the cops on her as they thought she was a witch. This really wasn't the place for her.

She jumped when her doorbell rang and contemplated ignoring it thinking it was just those kids again. It rang again and she resigned herself to the fact she was going to have to open the door or it wouldn't stop.

To her suprise on opening it she was greeted by a man smiling broadly. She glanced out behind him to check if this was some sort of decoy situation before turning back to look at him. He was good looking, longish hair with Hazel eyes and a big grin.

"Can I help you? Your not with those kids are you?" She asked glancing at the smears all over her front door from whatever garbage they had thrown at it.

"Those kids? Not mine but I think I scared then off for now. I just thought I'd knock while i was here and check on whoever lived here, Im Gerard I live a few houses down"

"Oh, well thank you. I wouldn't hang around too long someone might see you talking with me and I'll let you in on a secret.....they all hate me."

"Let them see, I'll tell you a secret too....I hate them" He laughed.

She felt at ease with this stranger, she didnt know if it was just the first person to be kind to her here or if it was just him. Against all her instincts she invited him in for coffee. They chatted into the afternoon about comic books, music and even hair dye, she even felt a little gutted when he had to leave.

The next few weeks Gerard popped by most days. They played video games and he started bringing drawings with him to show her some comic books he was working on. She started cooking for him and occasionally they would bake together. He was spending more time at her house than his own. She learnt about how his family was a town away and he didn't really have many friends here either.

"Hey, umm do there's something I've been wanting to say the last few days but..." he started to say before trailing off.

"What is it Gee? Are you a super villan? Was our friendship a giant ruse and your the town bully? Are you Geesus?" She teased and it seemed to help him relax.

"Well I was wondering... shit I'm no good at this stuff. Urm could you ever maybe..."

"Spit it out Gee!" She nudged him

".....see me as more than a friend? I've never met anyone like you or connected this well with anyone."

"Ohhh....Well.."She started but he cut her off.

"Shit this was stupid ignore all that.."

Instead of replying she grabbed a handful of his ripped band tshirt and pulled him closer. He stopped speaking in shock and looked like he was unsure what was going to happen. With a small smile she placed her lips against his. Gently at first, and then once he responded the kiss grew deeper. He pulled away slightly, now breathless.

"That went better than I imagined" He almost breathed the words out.

'Your the only one who's treated me with any kindness or respect in this town, we always have fun together why wouldn't I be inerested in you?" She asked seriously.

"I'm nothing special....." he replied and she could tell he actually believed that.

"Your the kindest, smartest most creative and fun person I've ever met Gee. Of course your special. Now enough of that come back here and kiss me again" She smiled pulling him back close.

Maybe this town wasn't so bad after all.

Gerard way one shots/imagines Where stories live. Discover now