We're not working out.

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"… And you can cry all you want to
I don't care how much
You invest yourself in me
We're not working out
We're not working out"

The words rang out around the small venue and time felt like it was standing still. The crowd in front of her was nothing but a blur, all she could see was him. And he was singing about her.

It had been two weeks since they split, her friends had decided to come to a local rock night where a few bands were playing and had dragged her along. They said it was time to have some fun and take her mind off of him. That wasn't working outbvery well as none of them had realised his band was playing. She cursed herself for not checking the band list for the night, shit she hadn't even wanted to come.

She wanted to move, run from this place and go back to the safety of her duvet at home watching trash TV and playing music way too loud to curb the thoughts. What if he spotted her? That would only make it worse! Her feet were rooted to the spot as she listened to his angry yells into the microphone, screaming out the words of their break up.

It was like a punch to the gut, every word a fresh blow. It laid out all the details of them arguing and him suspecting she cheated on him. That oart hurt the most, she had never cheated or even thought of it, she only wanted him.

Their arguments had grown catastrophic lately she would admit but he had been hitting the drink so hard at times he was barely coherent. The arguments always come around from her begging him to get clean, this wasn't the Gerard she had fallen in love with. He had called it off accusing her of seeing someone else but she felt he was just using that as an excuse as all her time was spent at work or with him.

As the song ended she glanced toward the exit ready to bolt. She looked back without thinking and locked eyes with him. Shit. He looked as shocked as she felt, frozen in place just staring across the room. She saw Frank walk up to him concerned and follow his gaze. Eye wide after spotting her, he whispered in Gerards ear and grabbed the mic.

"Urm I've got a small technical issue, sorry guys give us 5 mins to fix this and we will be straight back! Grab yourselves a drink or something while you wait!" He yelled to the crowd.

She glanced at the door again but curiosity had got the better of her wondering what they were upto. She saw Gerard make his way off stage and head in her direction and she wondered if he was coming to yell at her again and if she had time to run for the exit.

"Hey, didn't expect to see you here after....Well you know" He said as he approached.

He looked good she noted, a far cry from the drunken state he had been in a few weeks ago when they argued.

"The girls dragged me out I didn't know" She replied honestly.

"Oh. Um so that song listen its just a song I wrote the day after it's..." he said but couldn't finish his sentance.

"About us? Look Gee I'm sorry I made you feel that way but honestly I didn't cheat on you....I would never have..."

"I know that now I was being so stupid it was all the drink. I'm sorry you had to hear it..I didn't think"

"Thats been the problem for a while. Look its cool just...Well just never name me yeah? It's humiliating if people think that of me" She could feel the tears rising to her eyes and fought back the sob in her chest. She didn't want him to know how hurt she was.

Before she knew what was happening his arms were around her, the familiar warmth of his embrace broke down the walls and she felt the tears break free. Against every instinct she hugged him back, his familiar smell bringing her comfort. She had missed him so much and it hurt the most thinking he hated her over something that hadn't happened.

"I miss you" He said quietly.

"I miss you too Gee but this hurts too much" She said breaking away from his hug.

"I hope you forgive me one day, can I call you? I haven't had a drink since that night, I know I fucked up but I want to make it right if you will let me"

She was stunned, the way things had ended and the song was such a stark contradiction to his words. Confused she just nodded a little bubble of hope building inside of her. Maybe he had changed, was ready to get help and get back to the Gerard she had first met all those years ago.

"I love you, always have and always will. I really hope one day I can prove that." He said what looked earnestly.

"I love you too Gee, call me and we will talk I promise." She replied which made a tiny smile dance across his face before he walked back towards the stage.

She stayed for the end of the set but made sure to leave before they finished their last song. She was emotionally exhausted from the evening and didn't know if she could cope with any more. She hoped he would call tomorrow though, maybe they could make it work after all.

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