The sound of silence.

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'Hello darkness my old friend,
I'm here to talk with you again....." The deep voice of David Draiman boomed out into the arena.

Standing in the large area she took it all in, from the massive crowd to the lights and of course the band standing on stage. The atmosphere was electric, she could feel it coursing through her almost making her feel giddy with excitement and appreciation. They were stood in a private area, so she could see the whole arena clearly, nothing on earth beat this feeling.

She felt the goosebumps form instantly, the emotion and depth to his voice always sent chills through her, but live was something else. Feeling an arm wrap lightly around her waist she leaned in towards her best friend resting her head on his shoulder, Sharing this experience with him only made it more special and unforgettable.

She had always loved Disturbed cover of the sound of silence, David's voice was something that she felt deeply and moved and soothed her. Music was something she felt deeply, not the superficiality of bopping along to songs overplayed on the radio but so deeply they made her brain tingle, her skin react. It was a deeper, almost theraputic need to hear and feel every part of the music. The arrangements, vocals, instruments she heard and felt it all, and this song in particular was one that engulfed her.

"I'm so glad I could bring you here to experience this, I know how much live music speaks to you" her best friend said into her ear, his cheek brushing against hers lightly as he turned into her.

"Perks of having a rock star as a best friend" She smiled as her arm found its way around his waist too.

She couldn't believe her best friend, that introverted, geeky boy she grew up with was now lead singer of a massive Rock band. He was known all over the world, Gerard way, lead singer of my Chemical romance, but to her he was so much more than that. They had been through so much together over the years, school had been tough and they had spent more hours in his basement talking music and comic books than socialising at parties like others their age. Even now at moments like this she forgot all of that and he was just her Gee, the one she trusted above all others.

"You know I wouldn't have missed this even if I wasn't a 'rock star' in a band" He laughed.

She appreciated how he kept his voice light and didn't distract from the song at all, he knew her too well knowing she would be lost to the sounds around her. As she lifted her head she could smell the aftershave he always wore, the familiarity so strong she never wanted to leave his side. She tried to shake off her thoughts, her mind wandering to places she had been trying to avoid, because she loved him and she always had but lately her feelings had intensified and it had never been the right time to bring it up. She was lying to herself though, she had opportunities she could have spoke to him about it but the truth was she was terified. Terrified of rejection and the possibility of changing their friendship, she knew deep down though no one would ever compare to him in her heart. It was out of her hands for now, his girlfriend a stark reminder of how unavailable he was to her and she respected him way too much to come between a relationship. She got along well with his girlfriend, she tired not to let the jealousy win and just enjoy their friendship as it had always been. Moments like this however, moments where it was just the two of then she found it harder to resist confessing all to him.

She could feel his fingers gently squeezing her hip, his hand caressing against her subtlety and allowed herself a few seconds of pretence, lost in her imagination of a world where they were more than friends and she could fulfill her need of stretching up to kiss his lips. She could almost see it in her mind and could feel the blush rushing across her cheeks, the embarrassment burning at her own thoughts of her best friend.

As the song reached ita crescendo she found herself now fully in his arms her head against his chest leaving her heart hammering inside her own. The two of them had always been mistaken for a couple, so comfortable with each other they were often very tactile to one another. It was just how they always were, often in each others arms or holding hands. As much as she craved his touch it made it much harder to ignore her feelings. She spent her time with him now full of joy but tinged with either embarrassment at her own thoughts or intense worry about whether anything would happen between them.

As the song began to reach its final lines she heard Gerards voice whisper her name, the single word sounding almost like a question. Lifting her head to look at him in answer she found herself confronted with a worried expression, he looked like he was in turmoil. Her brain started racing wondering if she should step back, maybe with his girlfriend their close physical proximity was making him uncomfortable and she felt guilty now for placing herself so close to him selfishly not considering him.

"Are you ok Gee?" She asked and made a move to step backwards away from him, only to find herself tighter in his arms.

He pulled her closer to him once again until they were chest to chest, their faces only inches apart to the point she could feel his soft breaths against her skin. She was even more confused, not daring to move and break whatever this moment was.

"I can't pretend anymore, I can't act like.....I can't.....fuck...." he said quietly, turmoil evident in his expression.

She still had no idea what was happening, what was he pretending? Was this whole friendship about to combust into flames?

"Gee...? I don't understand what do you mean?" She managed to force the words out, desperate to know the answer even if it led to heartbreak.

"I can't pretend...fuck." he paused taking a breath. "I can't pretend I'm not in love with you anymore. It's all I think about and I need to say it out loud, I need to know one way or another how you feel"

The look he was giving her was emotionally devastating, his vulnerability laid bare in front of her and yet she was in awe at his bravery to confront the thoughts she had also been having but was too scared to voice.

"But your girlfriend?" She blurted out, not the words she wanted to say right now but the words coming out Instead of her own declarations of love.

"I ended it, it wasn't what I wanted, she wasn't what I wanted. It wasn't fair to her, to be wishing she was you whenever we were together" He said his face softening from worry to expectation awaiting her response.

"Oh, so there's nothing stopping us from doing this?" She smiled causing him to mirror her expression.

"Nothing at all to stop this, if it's what you want too of course?" He said breathily as he moved even closer, their lips almost touching distance from each other.

"I love you too Gee..." managed to escape from her lips just before his were pressed against them.

His lips were warm and softer than she had imagined as he gently moved them in time with her own. It was everything she had dreamed and more, bubbling over with joy she never wanted this feeling to end.

He was finally hers and she would be completely his.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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