[☁️] date night

221 1 26

they are so cute and cool and gay together 🙄👊👊👊
also ty for the ideaa i literally would've just ate this book 😾👊

also im taking too long to update this sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)

{Non-Despair} (obviously)

i havent updated this since august 11th 🙂

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Korekiyo woke up to the sound of Rantaro screaming, (wdym by that) Korekiyo walked down the stairs, rubbing his eyes aggressively. "Rantaro..." Korekiyo opened his eyes to the best he could, seeing Rantaro yelling at a butterfly who had made its way inside their home.

"....Hey, Kore..." Korekiyo put his hand on his hip and sighed. "Taro... It's a butterfly..." Korekiyo held out a finger, the butterfly landed on it gracefully. "I know- but how did it- nevermind." Korekiyo tilted his head, "Hm?" The butterfly flew up to Korekiyo's head, landing on it.

"....I think it likes you.." Korekiyo yawned, causing the butterfly to fly out a slightly opened window. "Yes, because I didn't scream at it." Korekiyo rubbed his eyes once more. "What time is it..?" Rantaro looked at the clock, "....12:21...?" Korekiyo's eyes widened, "12:21?!"

Rantaro gave an awkward smile, "Uhh.. Good night..?" Korekiyo stomped his foot, pouting. "No! Not good night! Why are you awake at 12:21?!" Rantaro yawned, "I was making you food," "Rantaro. I was asleep." "You were bound to wake up later..." Korekiyo fluttered his lashes at Rantaro. "...Okay.."

Korekiyo sat down on a chair, slamming his face on the table. "Woah-" Rantaro tapped Korekiyo's shoulder, "Hmmmm..." Rantaro smiled at Korekiyo, "Wanna head out?"

"Head out? Like a date..?" Korekiyo gave a small unsure smile. Rantaro nodded. "Hmm.. Ah, I wouldn't mind.." Korekiyo held Rantaro's hand, "But, are you sure you wish to take such horrid piece of humanity to a beautiful place?" Rantaro rolled his eyes, "Positive, I never make mistakes when it comes to you."

Korekiyo blushed, "Thank... you... Amami.... I appreciate.. it.." (thats his own way of stuttering 🥺) Rantaro patted Kiyo's back, "Go get dressed," Korekiyo nodded, running up the stairs.

Korekiyo tied his hair in a ponytail, decorating it with a white bow. He began putting on some blush, despite him not planning to take his mask off for a while.

"...Hm?" Rantaro slowly peered into the bathroom, walking up behind Korekiyo and putting his head on Korekiyo's shoulder. Rantaro gave a smile at Korekiyo which seemed as if it could make anyone fall for him. "Pretty...~ You're so pretty I'm jealous of it.." Rantaro began caressing Korekiyo's shoulder, purring on it. (furry :/) "Thank.. you..."

Korekiyo pushed the bits of hair behind his ears allowing him to properly put a pair of earrings on. Korekiyo gently pushed Rantaro away from his shoulder, staring deep into the mirror. "Taro...?" Rantaro smiled at Korekiyo, brushing his hair. "Hm?" Korekiyo began wrapping the bandages on his hands again, stopping at his fingers and cutting the bandages. "Why me? What made you like such horrible, disgusting, useless, worthless being? And I know whenever I'm with you, you must be embarrassed.."

Rantaro rolled his eyes and patted Korekiyo on his back. "That's not an answer, dear...." Korekiyo turned to face Rantaro, almost close to crying. "Kiyo, babe. You know I love you."

"But is it real love, Amami?"

Korekiyo pushed Amami's hand away from his hair, holding both of them in his hands. "Of course it's real love, my dear. I would never fake such a strong feeling. To me you are as close to my heart as my sisters were.. in fact, you're even closer." Rantaro rubbed Korekiyo's exposed thumb. "...Okay..." (he doesnt believe him. korekiyo is stupid.)

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