Chapter 5: The Subway

107 8 58

July 10 2022

Fifteen minutes has past as the group were sitting in silence in the subway. Micheal was pacing back and forward as Everyone was silent and were sitting with their loved ones. Jamie had a small scar on her leg from the bridge as Chris ripped his coat a little and wrapped it around Jamie.

The lights flickered a little as Alex got up holding the camera as He fixed his blonde hair as Micheal was looking at him, Alex Decided to talk to Micheal as they were talking until Aliyah asked something.

Phil: How much time has past?. . . Fifteen minutes?

Anna: I think so. I don't know how long we will be stuck here.

Benjamin: But its safer to stay over here.

They all looked at eachother and nodded as Phil looked at Maria who was removing her heels.

Phil: Are you okay?

Maria: I'm alright. I'm just stressed out right now.

Maria sighed as Phil gave her a small hug to comfort her as Maria immediately hugged him back.

Phil: Its alright, We will push through.

Maria nodded as Alex was looking at Benjamin as They were talking.

Alex: You could have left me there in the alley Benjamin.

Benjamin: We're not leaving anyone behind Alex. I couldn't just leave you.

Alex: But it was dangerous there. We don't even know what the military were shooting at.

Micheal: We don't know yet. We heard those roars and growls.

Lexi: It still scares me even if I haven't seen it with my eyes.

They looked at Lexi as They sighed until Jack called the group as Everyone got up and decided to check what Jack needed.

Jack: Guys I found a map.

Chris: I don't think the trains are running Jack.

Jack: No, We can just walk through the track *Points at the map* Look, We can go through here, Then walk down the streets of lexintong then walk down the parking lot.

Mandy: We need go past the tunnels.

They all looked at eachother before Alex spoke.

Alex: Lets do that. . Or stay here.

They all looked eachother before they heard a noise and looked above them as they looked at eachother.

Soon, They were in the dark tunnels as they were walking around.

Benjamin: Its way to dark in here.

Mandy: Agreed. Watch your steps.

Maria: Its freaking me out though.

Alex: I think there is a light in the camera let me see.

Lexi: That will be very useful, I can't see anything.

Chris: Reminds me of Paranomal Activity.

Benjamin: Oh yeah, I get that vibe. Have anyone seen Paranomal Activity: The next kin?

Jack: Sadly I didn't, But I was planning too.

Phil: I did watch it actually with Maria. But my favourite one has to be Ghost Dimension.

Jamie: Both movies scared me along with the other ones.

Aliyah: True but let's keep moving.

Alex turned on the small light on the camera, It wasn't that bright however they continued to move on before Anna jumped when she saw something.

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