Hugs Aren't Bad

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Another day, another mission. Mitsuri was needed as there was a sighting of two demons in a nearby town. Akimi decided to tag along, in case Mitsuri got hurt again. She spent some time with Shinobu and the butterfly girls so she knew a little first aid. She followed Mitsuri for about an hour, which wasn't so hard to do, since she wasn't very fast while running. They got there and Akimi saw two people she thought she wouldn't see again. "Found me! Found me Yushi!" She yelled at Yushiro, who just accepted the nickname. Tamayo was so glad to find her, since she had become like a mother figure to the little one. Soon, Mitsuri found Akimi conversing with two demons, a female and a male, who are treating her like family. She thought it was so cute how they looked like a little family.

While the three were talking, and arguing about Akimi, said girl was wandering off once more. she found herself at a big mansion, and seeing how pretty it looked, she went inside it. Finding no one, she look around a bit more and suddenly a drum banged and she was in a new room. Looking around more she found a scared and hurt kid. "W-Who are you?" Seeing he is scared and hurt she had to help him. "Akimi. Who you." "Ki-Kiyoshi." he replied nervously. "Akimi help Kiyoshi." she took out a roll of bandages from her lavender, red, and green kimono with pink lotus's fading up from the bottom, curtesy of Mitsuri. Bandaging him, she heard the noise of a demon. "Demon. Go." She replied hurriedly as she ran out the door. "GO!" She yelled at his hesitation to bang the drum. He feared for her safety.

As a blonde boy and a younger boy who looked like Kiyoshi wandered the halls, they saw a little girl yelling out of a room and then a bang of a drum. The blonde heard the sounds of a demon radiating off of the little girl and screamed, hiding behind Kiyoshi look alike. She turned her head towards the sound, and saw both boys. "Kiyoshi." she said reminded of the boy she just helped. The boy lightened up in recognition of the name and started to go over to the girl, when the blonde stopped him, yelling incomprehensible things. She then pointed behind them, at a freaky demon who had been watching amused.

After the blonde got rid of that demon and woke up they ended up getting thrown out of the house, which was bad for Akimi since it was daytime. Getting burnt was horrible, until the feeling stopped. At which point the so called Zenitsu woke up. He felt fine until he touched the back of his head. Then he started screaming again when Akimi came closer to him thinking she would eat him. "AHHHH A DEMON WHO CONQUERED THE SUNNNN NO STOP DONT COME ANY CLOSER I HAVE A WEAPON STAY BACK SHES GOING TO EAT ME HELP PLEASE SHOICHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" Until he felt something soft on his forehead. Akimi ran out of bandages so she tore off a piece of her kimono and tried to stop the bleeding. She then sniffed the air a few times. "Nezuko." She absentmindedly  said to herself, remembering the demon girl. She liked to play with her hair. She went over to the box where the smell was strongest, and she heard scratches coming from the box. "Akimi here Nezuko."

A boar headed man rushed out and broke the door, saying there were demons out here. He became confused when he saw the little out standing outside. "HAAAAHH? THE DEMON CONQUERED THE SUN! YOU MUST DIE!" He raced at her with his swords, but being with Mitsuri and seeing how fast she is in battle taught her to be fast and flexible. He got fed up easily, and was uncooperative when Zenitsu told him to stop. She prevented Zenitsu from getting a beating but she got hurt instead. Now Tanjiro is out there and he is mad, confused and happy. One, he's happy she's alive and well. Two, she's in the sun. Three, SOME PIGHEADED BIOTCH IS BEAT ON HER, A CHILD. "KNOCK IT OFF!" He yelled as he punched the boar man. "Akimi, are you okay? It's me Tanjiro, you remember me right?" She recognized the name. "Tan-Tan?" she asked nicely. "Yes, Yushiro and Tamayo are worried about you."


"if you find a little demon girl with purplish-blackish hair and dark teal eyes, and is bad at speaking, please tell her to come back to us, we miss her."


After headbutting the male, his mask falls off revealing is face. "Pretty." Akimi said, very fascinated by his features. An argument ensues in which the boar boy, know known as Inosuke, passes out. "Kiyoshi." She walks up to said boy. "Akimi! Thank you! You saved me!" He hugs the girl, despite her not understanding most of that. Then both of the other two also hug her, showing their gratitude. She doesn't understand but she's happy about the hugs, even if she doesn't show it. So cute, she likes hugs.

Heading to the next place they're going is long and everyone is being noisy and chaotic. Akimi doesn't like it. She decides to run ahead according to the directions they should be right near it. She smelt wisteria flowers and decided to go that way, which was the right way. She knocked on the door and a nice old lady let her in. She let her change clothes and bathe, as well as eat some food. She specifically asked for a full fish. She got a full not cooked fish and ate it. Soon after, the boys arrived with Tanjiro mumbling about a lost child. "If you're looking for a child, one showed up here about an hour ago, she's eating go down the hall last room on the left." A tired employee said. He had to deal with the kid for awhile and she is too clueless about things. "Ah, thank you sir!" He threw out as he hurried down the hall. The three boys came across a weird sight, well for two of them. Tanjiro often saw her catch live fish and eat them raw, even when he told her not to. They walk in on her trying to shove an entire raw fish in her mouth at once. "Akimi, please don't eat the fish like that, we've been over this." Tanjiro deadpanned, while the other two we're confused, did she always do this?

They all we're in their room, while Inosuke was asleep, and Zenitsu and Tanjiro talking. Akimi was just lying there waiting for Nezuko to come out. Suddenly Zenitsu start freaking out again, making Aimi look to the box. Nezuko was coming out of the box and Akimi was so excited to finally meet her. Then once she was out Zenitsu tried to kill Tanjiro.

Apparently, Akimi sleep for a good 4 weeks before finally waking up, it makes sense. She never really relaxes. She is either helping people, wandering off, or learn to speak more. So she regained a lot of energy by sleeping for that month, and boy does she need it. Instead of waiting for the boys who would argue the entire time, she decided to go off on her own. Mt. Natagumo is one of the few places she knows how to get to on her own apparently. So she decided to go there. Making it there, she saw a group of slayers go into the mountain. She decided to go and help the slayers since she thinks it might be dangerous for them. And right she was.
Akimi: Tan-Tan!
Tanjiro: How tf are you in the sun
Akimi: pats his head
Spider mom: SHUT UP

𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖞|KNYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora