Spiders Can't Scare Me

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Currently, she was hanging from a spider web, above the mom spider and they just looked at each other. "Me. Akimi. You." "My name is none of your business." She had been repeatedly asking for her name for about an hour, and she hasn't given it to her yet. "Name." "You insolent child you are so annoying!" The mother spider dropped the strings for a moment as she was mad at the demon child. "Mother, I do believe you should focus on the slayers, unless you want me to go get father." The small demon kid showed up, and a look of fear crossed the mothers face. This made Akimi mad, she doesn't like seeing people being mean to their friends. "Bad! No hurt!" She yelled at the child. "So annoying. I guess we should leave you up there until sunrise." While he was annoyed by her, the mother demon was very shocked that the kid would stand up for her despite her being so rude. When he left, she let Akimi down and told her to leave, and that she would protect her to the best of her ability. When she left, the mother demon was killed by Tanjiro who has just come through to kill the mother demon. "Please protect Akimi." Where her last words. "We will, I promise."

The orders came in for Tanjiro and Nezuko to be taken alive. They also put Akimi in the box, much to her dismay. They took her out and put her in another box afterwards though. She heard a lot of noises and was sadly thrown on the ground and then again onto something else. She had enough of that. She came out of her box, and yelled at Sanemi angrily "Bad! Bad Nemi! Akimi sleep!" She then saw Nezuko was there and Sanemi was bleeding. Nezuko turned her head and went back into her back. Sanemi turned to the smaller demon who was now approaching him, thinking this was his chance, but then she took out bandages and wrapped it. He guessed it wasn't that bad for her to be around. NOT LIKE HE WOULD ADMIT THAT!

She saw the master and was about to walk in front of him before remembering her manners. She bowed politely before heading to the end of the engawa and before Mitsuri could stop her she jumped off and went to hug her. Now everyone is confused. Before they could ask questions the girl fell asleep on Mitsuri.

After the trial they let Shinobu take Akimi with her, and she wouldn't leave the room with Zenitsu in it, she kind of likes him. Currently he was facing a dilemma, wake Akimi up to go see Nezuko, or let her sleep. He choose the latter. Kind man he is.

Soon after waking up, Akimi found herself wandering around the Butterfly Mansion, and saw the three girls Naho, Sumi, And Kiyo. When Mitsuri once visited Shinobu, they became good friends and played together, despite Akimi not having good conversational skills. They taught her words like play, help, nice, girl, and me. The girls look at her and start running over to her "Play?" They know to use words she understands. "Us! Play now! Free!" Sumi, the most eccentric of the trio, asked her. "Yay!"

They played fun games like giving the boys massages, and throwing water, and playing tag! they played for hours and then everyday! The girls always had fun, but the poor boys were the victims of their fun. She had really fast reflexes and was fast, and she's strong! The boys getting massages from her feel like a boulder on her back, but she goes easier on Zenitsu. They always get splashed within a few seconds. They always lose at tag. But one day Zenitsu and Inosuke stopped coming, and it made Akimi sad so she and the girls found another fun thing. It was beating on Tanjiro while he slept! they hit him with blanket beaters whenever he stopped doing a thing, but she didn't know what so it was a game to her. Pretty soon Aoi and Shinobu figured out they could make the little ones do chores by making them into games, and they were definitely going to take advantage of that. The girls came to her room with a new game, blow the gourd she called it. It was watching Tanjiro blow gourds while training. Sometimes Akimi would do the same. She never failed, making Tanjiro determined to reach her level.

Sometimes Aoi would play games too, they would run around with smaller towels and sheets to dry them off faster or would have a competition to see who could clean a room the fastest. Since Akimi always won, she would get candies each time, which made her happy. Then sometimes Shinobu would invite her into her office to play games too. She always took blood tests from the little demon, and would often make games out of them, giving her candies before she puts the needle in her arm. They would also play games to help Zenitsu take his medicine. One time she left a Candie outside for a day in the hot sun, and it melted, so she decided to put it in Zenitsus medicine to make it taste better. It worked and now he takes his medicine whenever Akimi give it to him.

A few days passed and Inosuke and Zenitsu go back to training, which means more fun! Once all is said and done though, she doesn't get to go with them, since she is still a child. She was mad at that, she wanted to go with them once they were done, and no matter what she would. She got a lot of Yen together and bought a train ticket somehow, they wont get rid of Akimi so easily.

Akimi decided to change into something a bit cuter and more practical in battle. She now wears long socks that are lilac in color and a short lilac kimono which pink and red flowers flow up from the bottom. A teal and lilac rose hair pin and a red, teal, lavender, yellow, and green haori. She wears her hair in a messy bun pinned up by the pin, and a cute heart necklace. She is the cutest thing ever with her new clothes, hair, and style. And to top it all off she learned how to talk more. She is the best girl ever, and she cant wait for all of this to be over so she can play with her friends all day and night. Everything will be fun and fine.

𝕮𝖚𝖗𝖎𝖔𝖘𝖎𝖙𝖞|KNYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora