i did not forget about wilbur and phil

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After what felt like both only a few seconds and several hours, Phil came to the absolutely wonderful conclusion that the power could not be turned back on. Great. So now did Phil not only think that Wilbur was pranking Tommy, he also probably thought Wilbur fucked up the power for it.

The brunette was absolutely dreading when Phil finally realized and got pissed off, which was completely reasonable, but Wilbur did not want to get yelled at after the night he'd had.

"Phil," Wilbur started, waiting for Phil to turn back to face him before continuing to speak. "This is not a fucking prank , okay? And before you try to say anything about what I've said earlier just wait."

Phil gave him a skeptical look but stayed silent and let him continue speaking. "I did not plan anything past calling the police, it was a prank call on them , not a prank for Toms. This whole thing was caused by a bunch of poor timing and poor choices."

"Are you trying to record something for a vlog I don't know about?" Phil asked, shifting his light around as if he was searching for a hidden camera. "There's no reason to be so insistent if you aren't."

Wilbur wanted to fucking scream . "Phil, I swear to god -" but the man had already started walking up the basement stairs to reunite with everyone else and give them the bad news.

As Phil reached for the doorknob, the door flung itself open, hitting the blonde and knocking him down into Wilbur, causing the two to tumble down the stairs and make Phil drop the flashlight.

"Who's there!" Phil yelled, feeling around him in the pitch black to find the flashlight that he had lost in the fall.

"Oh! It's just me!" An unfamiliar voice said, and Wilbur could practically hear the stupid grin on the speaker's face.

"Who are you?" Phil asked as Wilbur found the flashlight, flicking it back on and pointing it up the stairs.

Above them was a tall and cloaked figure with pearly white eyes, horns protruding from its head and what Wilbur assumed was a pair of bat wings. It wore a kind smile on its face. As if it were just a sweet, elderly neighbor and not an actual demon that had just broken into a house.

"I'm BadBoyHalo!" He said, hopping down the stairs to help pull Phil off the ground, and he accidentally hit Wilbur with his tail, which of course he had. "But you can just call me Bad!"

As soon as Phil had been pulled up, Wilbur grabbed him and took a few steps back. "I told you it wasn't a joke, Phil!" He hissed under his breath.

"Relax, mate," Phil said, way too comfortable considering everything going on around him. "He's probably just a guy in a costume." Wilbur wanted to claw his face off, when had his father become this incompetent?

"Oh, no," Bad chirped happily. "I am very much what would be considered a demon!"

"Really?" Phil asked.

"Yep!" Before anyone could respond, the demon suddenly perked up in realization. "Oh, shoot!" He gasped. "I forgot about the muffins!" And he promptly ran back up the stairs and presumably to the kitchen.

"What the fuck was that?" Phil asked as he went back up the stairs, Wilbur following behind him.

"I don't know," he muttered. "Don't we need to fix the lights?"

"We've been trying for a while now, Wil, I don't think I can fix the lights like this, sorry," as they crossed the doorway from the basement staircase and into the actual house, they both noticed a delicious smell coming from the kitchen.

Looking to each other, they quicken their pace until they arrive at the dimly lit kitchen, causing Bad, Techno, Tubbo, and Dream to look up to them.

"What the fuck is going on up here?" Phil asked.

"How the fuck is the oven working?" Wilbur yelled.

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