-The Tay Family-

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~6 years later~

"That's how my parents died?" I asked. 

"I guess so, the prophecies are never wrong." Gem responded.

"This sucks. We should go. The sun is SHINING. We should be outsideeee." Fwhip insisted. "You guys are just stuck in here in a library reading books about the past."

"Excuse me this was made BEFORE the death of her parents so this is basically about the future." Gem said.

"You guys stop fighting, come on. Let's go out instead, Fwhip's right. The sun is shining and we should go and enjoy it." I told them. 

"Fine fine, we should dress up into something fit for the public." Gem said. She was always thinking about her appearances. 

"And comfortable!" Fwhip reminded her. "And comfortable." She sighed.


Gem wore a green long sleeved ankle-length dress covered with a purple cloak. She wore a flower headband, some purple sandals, and she braided her hair. 

Fwhip wore his normal white shirt covered by a black jacket and a red scarf. Brown pants, brown boots and his signature goggles on his heap of brown-red hair completed his look.

I wore a white sweater covered by some dark blue dress overalls. I included a pair of yellow sneakers and I brushed my long dirty blonde hair.

We set out on our walk to the Central Children's Park or the CCP. A lot of the villager's children were there, bowing as we passed by. Or as Gem and Fwhip passed by, they didn't give a damn about me. Most likely because the Breeze name is not very famous these days. 

"There's so many people here, we should find another place to have our walk." Gem said, waving. 

"It's so hard to suck up in public. Lucky no one recognizes you Elise." Fwhip groaned. 

I chuckled. He's right, but I wish I was as popular as them. "I know, let's take a dip in the river!" 

"There you go, always with the river." Fwhip teased. 

"Well I am a Breeze after all!" I said proudly. 

"But you are also a Tay, don't forget!" Gem reminded me. 

Yes, I am emotionally a Tay. My full name is Elise Sheri Breeze-Tay. 

"Unrelated to the topic, kind of, I guess, why do you want to be called Fwhip, not Francis? Your name is Francis Whip Tay, am I right?" I asked.

"Eliseeee. I said to not call me by my real nameeee. It just sounds weird and perfect." Fwhip explained. 

"In other words, he wants his name to sound stupid-er than Francis." Gem teased. 

"HEY" Fwhip scolded. Gem laughed, and I smiled. 

"He wants his name to sound unique! I get it." I replied. 

Without them knowing, I had already led them to the riverside. 

"How do you always do this Elise??" Gem said in disbelief. 

"Hello children." said  the beautiful voice of Queen Freya. 

"Mother!" Fwhip and Gem exclaimed. They went over to their mom and hugged her. 

"Good morning Your Highness." I said, bowing. 

"No need to be so curt Elise, I was thinking you would go for a swim in the river today so I brought your swimsuits." Queen Freya replied. 

Queen Freya is a great leader, she's the queen of the empire. Gem and Fwhip are twins, Fwhip about 4 minutes younger, but both of them are said to rule over an empire. 

We went to change into our swimsuits and took a dip into the pool. There's this shoal or a group of squid I've been meaning to look for. I think I have some kind of connection to them, especially with glow squids because they were the ones who brought me here to the Grimlands. Life here is great, but I hope I could meet other people from the other empires too. 

"Elise! You're been under the water for so long! Are you even alive??" Fwhip shouted. 

I quickly swam back up, waving goodbye to the shoal. 

The Tay Family is great. 

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