CHAPTER 1: The Land with enviable beauty

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An Animation
written by
Kwabena Churchill-MOMC

The Gleaming Butterfly


I dedicate this cartoon book to all and sundry most especially cartoon lovers. This fairy tale is appreciably written to spray a sense of beauty and likeness.

Chapter 1.. YooYoo Kingdom: The Land with enviable beauty... ...
Chapter 2. Naf and His family:The joy they felt,the sadness didn't ask of .....
Chapter 3 The Three Allies...
Chapter 4. The Daring Defense...
Chapter 5.. Knowing the mystery of the forbidden cave....
Chapter 6... The Nightly Adventure (1): A wish fulfilling....
Chapter 7.. Quest to know the Cave's mystery: Curious Hearts...
Chapter 8.. The Royal Message...
Chapter 9.. YooYoo Kingdom shop in spree....
Chapter 10.. The Nightly Adventure (2): A wish come true....
Chapter 11. The New Her The Story Once Foretold.....
Chapter 12.. The Royal Gifts YooYoo Kingdom's Miracle....

Tish, Tish,. Tush
Gleam Beam Seam,
Beauty sits in the mangrove,
In the gardens, nectars seep
down in plentiful.

Tish, Tish, Tush,
Fly, Ply, Dye,
YooYoo Kingdom brights,
In the open cave of marigolds,
Streams in increasing flavours
cheers the inhabitants.

Tish, Tish, Tush
Gleam, Fly, Shine,
Flowers grow in abundance,
Houses made great,
Equality calls for

The Narrator : Kwabena Churchill-MOMC

If nothing ever changed, there'd
be no butterflies


YooYoo Kingdom:
The land with enviable beauty

Up and below one fancy evergreen forest was a giddy kingdom made of resplendent butterflies who were cladded singularly in different contours and colours, different sizes and shapes, wonderful heights, weight and found themselves among glassy flowering shrubs and herbs. The kingdom was a fertile abode with its corners raised to the brim and apex in a match with the mount of the King's statue.

Yooyoo Kingdom, as it name rung to the ears and feet of the inhabitants who had a history of music and wildness of strength from their ancestry, was among five kingdoms in the Tamira Empire.The kingdom had it name as Yooyoo due to the rich culture of music and custom of purity. Flowers of distinct colours and ropes of dew wore the kingdom in a full light of joy and each corner of the kingdom beamed with beauty and resisting guards. Carnation, sunflowers, marigolds, rose flower, puppies, hollyhocks, bluebells, saffrons, and ribbons of nature gave more affection and honour to Yooyoo Kingdom. The inhabitants intensively enjoy every pint of nectar as they were always flying over hedges , sucking nectars and binging on the honey capsules of the pretty highlands and flowers.
Each of the houses on Yooyoo Kingdom was built with a finely cut bamboo sticks with flowery strings of leafy plants hanging on each doorpost and window. The houses were in a pyramidal shape and they were arranged in a uniform horizontal asymptote, each, facing a mini spring of water in a stone throw. The trees were tall and had strong buddy trunks and cotton branches. At the back of each house was a garden infused with nice smelling flowers and on the doorpost of each house had a signature from King Hosaro. Yooyoo kingdom was nailed in florescent acuity and with this identification of the king expressed each inhabitant as a carte blanche native. The identification was a collage amulet plastered on the lintels of each house. The amulet identification heralded one family the solely right as a native and could enjoy all benefits.
Thus,it was a privilege to all those who have given birth and their caterpillars have successfully metamorphosed into a butterfly. If a family's caterpillar swindles the kingdom and remains a caterpillar over the growth stage , such family and their progeny is ostracized and besmirched as castaway. This reckless treatment tended those who were still expecting the gods and goddesses to knock their doors with an appeased child in a basket. Until the childless family or the caterpillar who is not lucky enough to be a butterfly remains as a stuck caterpillar , they were given an arm's length. They were referred to as aliens on their own kingdom. These butterflies worked together and lived as each other's keeper. They had heirloom of unity and rested on fair drill to support each other. None was considered an outcast nor a peasant yet it got to a time when others started to ostracize those who were in lack of the amulet identification. Their heart of gold converted into ash grenades. All those who had their wombs opened, conceived, their children have proudly grown and they had become butterflies but it was left with a family whose child missed the meal the gods of the land shared , remaining as caterpillar though the time for her to become a comely butterfly had passed.

Naf's family has become the subject of ridicule as he has lodged with her wife for a number of years but they have not seen or heard any relief pill from the birth potters nor any smile creaming their citizenry. His wife, Maya, hides from the poking noses of YooYoo kingdom.It was at a cold dawn when she met an old man from their stream,Azima.

Having been barren for the past challenging years, Maya couldn't coat herself with joy neither did she ever thought about her comfort. She went to the stream on her perk that she will talk to the winds and the flowers if they could hear her out. Sitting on one of the broken peppermint branch, she saw an old butterfly who looked liked an elf, singeing a turmeric. He was wearing a multicolored smock with a long pole by his side.The old butterfly went close to her and engaged her in a slick conversation.

Old butterfly, (turns her head and lessens his wings), : Woman!! why are you here at this time while the kingdom is already in arms of Morpheus? Got to talk to the stream?
Maya, positioned her left wing tenderly to have a concealing gaze,: Old gem,I am here to know the tongues of the gods. "if only they can count me as part of the worth." " And why are you here and who are you?"
Old butterfly (perches beside her) : "I am just a messenger from the North. I am someone I must not say.I am here to take a vigil over this kingdom. Hovering with light pots to check houses who have run short of laughter."
Maya, cleans her face with sunflower petal,: "vigil? light pot? Old man ,you talk in speeches beyond wishful horizons."
Old butterfly,says inspiringly,... "Maya(dotes her)
I know why you are here and not only to talk to the stream but to have what have been missing in your abode. Just take a bite of my turmeric. You would be ok even after counting days."
Maya was astonished on how the old butterfly knew her name. She took the turmeric from him , expressing gratitude.

As soon as she took a bite,she turned and shockingly ,she saw no one beside her. Flabbergasted, she shook to her feet and the small mussel in hand fell. The flame of woods he squatted beside disappeared. She was looking around whether to site him yet no one was in sight. The stream which was cloudy and smokey sharply turned into a clear mirage.Still shocked and saddened she went back to her abode.

Maya went back to her house and slept in her husband's confines, pondering on what she saw at the breezy stream.

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