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                  The Daring Defense


       The dew clawed it flanks on a fateful afternoon at the middle of Shashi forest,mild air blowing over flowers and sizzling wind whooshing over upward hills. The three friends took a giddy stroll through the dancing purple woods, munched sweet nectars and binged on their way in and out of shady flowers and tall trunks. They puddled as they take twisting turns.
      Amak was overjoyed and went haywire, in a bit, falling and hitting his obstinate head against a mushroom. He fleeted and got locked in lavender weeds. Nafissa and Leli looked at him comely and bumped into hysteric glamour. He threw some rose flowers at them but they dodged.

Leli beeped, "Serves you right. ooooopsss!! You tumbled down because you wanted more selfishly. This woods is the best. I'm having a nice time." (stretching out her wings at cape.)

Amak feigned,(raised his wings above the antennas) "I thank the universe for making me a seed of YooYoo kingdom. Look around,(gesturing and drawing his friends attention)The land is worn in tasty foods and mellifluous juice."

He flew unto another petal ,munching the juice like a glutton.

He pointed to his friends a bunch of crystal lily beside a meagre spring, wanting to go there to continue his feisty feast.Nafissa was cogitating and shuffling all along quietly. She was in worm and her own world of thoughts. Leli went close to her and engaged her in a chat. She could deduced that she was wildly quiet and distanced.

Leli inquired,"Chakie chakie, why are you sullen.?"She thrusted forward without responding. The two friends found out she was not happy so they converged to sing a song.
"Maybe a song would do." Amak encouraged.

They stood there motionlessly searching for a song to quicken Nafissa. The atmosphere became intensed and rhythmic tones begun to beat as the natures around them got engrossed in the change of the environment.

Flowers moved left and right following a heavy ominous song. Amak hopped in delight and sang in fervor. The song was from the camp of Osibisa-Sunshine Day. Leli and Amak tiptoed and encircled Nafissa, blocking any pave of escape. They were singing brilliantly, alerting her to join. The rivers,air and flowers joined them in chorus. Nafissa, so caught unawares, joined them as well. They were beautifully cutting their legs . They dangled, nodded heads and blew the song,"Sunshine day and their voices could raise a dead bull. At first, Nafissa showed no interest but when Leli inveighed in her ears, she had no choice than to chorus with them. They sang and sang and sang till they got to Boba well. Boba well is one of least source of water in the kingdom of YooYoo. It has a lot of marigolds at its threshold, water lilies on its walls and sunflowers over the water. King Hosaro designated Boba well a place for the natives to fetch water if there's a festival but YooYoo kingdom takes her competition on the Azima river when auspicious day. Boba well was at a far end of the Shashi forest and as they were overwhelmed singing graciously, they didn't know that they have overstepped their boundary. They got to a very taciturn place where there were no sight of any being.  Nafissa, Amak and Leli made a move to return to downtown for fear of endangering themselves. Some disturbing sounds and scratches kept tuning where they stood in an uproar. They hid themselves behind a hairy trunk to find out the cause.
     Unfortunately, it was the bully Bosey and her awkward friends Chisom,Osana and Jana hovering in the forest. Bosey  is a mulatto,a very presentable butterfly with colorful wings and bluish eyes.She is tall and  fluffy. Her mouth is stylishly tiny for which she uses to brace herself as the most finest aponi in YooYoo kingdom. Her beauty is earnestly a notch and it always entices the young handsome buddies.

Chisom is another bound of beauty but her eyes look huge like that if Amak. She is a bit tall and bluish in color with yellowish-whitish strap across her wings.
       Osana and Jana are identical twins with just one difference between them. They are also tall not like Bosey, same violet color with a dark dot mark on their upper nostrils.The difference between them is that Osana a wholly hair shape while Jana has a curly cut hair shape. They are amazingly bones of trouble. These four are uncouth and warmongers butterflies who look for no peace but disturbances.

They overheard Nafissa and her friends plying through the woods and ambushed these three friends to invade them. Amak saw that they were approaching their hideout. As soon as they were making  drastic turn to avoid them bullying Nafissa, Chisom was already chalking at their back, smiling sheepishly. They turned swiftly but they were not so fast meeting Chisom in her deceitful glimmering.

Chisom, with her lean face giggled and teased, "Not so fast lose goons. Aww!! gorgeous friends,baby dimples." "Where do you losers think you are going? (twitched her face).
Jana,(withstanding) "The party has not ended and you are stealing yourself away?" "That's not fair, pretty ca-ter-pillar."The other two morons bumped into pitiful laughter. Leli got infuriated , eyeing around whether she would get any weapon to hurl at them. Nafissa didn't look at them. She became sad. Leli and her friends were surrounded.
Leli warned,"You have no business here, pervert. Rogues!!!

Bosey who couldn't withstand the name they were refered to , came in front and aired boastfully." What did just call us, bighead?"

Leli positioned well and regeared her energy. She boldly replied,"Wanna know?? I said your .. business You ,bully dogs and dwarfs."(utters in a slow motive)

Bosey and her friends gaped in shock and laughed. Bosey rained invectives at them. "Such a funny dummy(clubs her hand )." "You are walking with a caterpillar who has no blood of becoming a butterfly ,just as us and you dare open your mumbo jumbo mouth to us simpletons.A joke of the century". "I sometimes forget that I don't have to mingle with clowns." The bullies giggled strangely.
Amak made a careful step and cringed his fist wishing to hit Jana in the face. Bosey wailed, "Wait, what do you want to do with that withering fist of yours?" Hit us!!!.. "I'm confused" (she says in betraying tones) "Amak, you choose to protect this (point at Nafissa) daughter of doom and distress?"
Leli defended, "Don't call her names. If you want your bloated face to become swollen enough, you must stay"
Osana,stares surprisingly,"Is that a threat?"
Leli assured,"No, it is a pledge." Bosey chuckled at utterances of Leli. Nafissa was just silent and composed. She didn't want to talk but she  kept her cool. She knew those hamburgers are just chips of another bunch of infidels.
"Don't be a myriad fool by defending this unpromising friend of yours. Maybe, you want to return to a caterpillar." "Oooucccccccccchhhhh" Osana and Jana jabbered.
Amak warmed, "She is not our friend,you should know. (Nafissa and Leli looked at Amak in strange graze.) She is our family, very worthy.(assuredly) Nafissa created unimaginable thoughts in mind.

She felt as joyful ever at what Amak said. Was she that important to them?She was happy inside. She has gotten another family. The four awkward horns saw that , they can't withstand them so they resorted to leave.
Bosey told them,"Next time.......".
Immediately Leli snapped her nose off ,"Next time, you would forfeit your wings." They looked at them  and flew way without saying a word but laughed.

Nafissa hugged her friends for walling her from those ugly heads. "I wished I was butterfly....."

Leli assured her, "Fissa, don't be sad. You are always a butterfly and that makes you so special. Look,(they cuddled her) we believe in you and our believe is real. You would become, just know." These generous words made Nafissa shook in happiness. She has a world to lean on.

When friends are with you both in light and in darkness, you never lose fuel. You keep lighting on. Amak and Leli are like the pull who see Nafissa so gorgeous and winning.

They know their friend's potentials so they are always beside her.  Amak told Nafissa,"Cheer up, Queen." "Always Nafissa, always a champ." She was cooled by her friends' words and in so ,she loved herself for who she is and who she will become.

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