CHAPTER 7: Quest To Know the Cave's mystery:

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      Quest To Know the Cave's mystery:
                  Curious Hearts

family had their breakfast and dispersed to their various events of the day. Maya hugged Nafissa tightly assuring her of the love they have for her and went on to join the traders at the market to sell her flowers.

      Naf, in his routine rustic mooning about, gave Nafissa a solemn hug before he hit the street. Nafissa met her friends as they toiled around Shashi forest. They vamoosed to the greenish woods to continue their adventure. They had planned to figure out whether the giant lousy bee was kicking or not though Lolo warned them to abort the idea of going to the forbidden cave. The three friends went to the deepest part of the forest, crossing the Azima river and the Bobo well.

As gourmand Amak was, he munched the juicy nectarine in grazing shuttle. Nafissa and Leli were taken aback when Amak munched the juicy nectarine in grazing shutting. What a gourmand he was! Finally, they called at the siege of the cave and the atmosphere of the place was so energizing and tempting. Winds were whooshing and clustering, likewise leaves were rustling in a bray. There were lofty merged flowers creeping and climbing the mouth of the cave. It has large gulp of dandelions and jasmine which run through its top. They shivered and filtered at snail's pace , craning their neck to have a full view of the inward of the cave. Fear flooded their whole body. Amak overheard a hissing sound and begun to fidget.

As they got nearer and nearer,  Nafissa  faced down. She was extremely afraid. For the fear of been caught and manhandled, she kept a distance and hid behind  a cactus plant but her friends didn't halt, they continued to pacify their curiosity. They pulled off some heaped leaves covering the cave's tip and stretched out their head towards the cave. Astounded, they saw  huge foot in sight and nothing dissuaded them to dart away. 

They sped off in a vengeful spirit, concealing themselves at the back of a cactus flea. Shock, the million life lousy bee verged on at the cave's entrance. His appearance was disheveled,had a shaggy foot and a lassitude face. He is was gravely past the present time. When he killed King Nusala, he was in his teens. He was already lurking , almost ready to slay any intruder on sight. His prying eyes failed to screen any  soul so he returned to his hermitage, though Leli shook in her voice but he didn't see anyone.

Amak handed her mouth from shouting which closely expose them to the net of the perilous being. His semblance, undoubtedly, convinced them that, the infernos bee would soon be in the dim because he was groggy and unlively.
   Leli, Nafissa and Amak stood still and screeched. They saw what they shouldn't seen.

       A spiraling loop lurked Amak and Leli's wings and Nafissa's feet was shaky and unfit at that instance. They left there without hesitation. When they got beside Azima river, they bumped into hysteric glamour which echoed succinctly in the forest.

  Amazingly, they have seen the lousy bee who killed King Nusala. There was a sharp wind that passed beside them and fleet which shook the forest. They were still hiding behind a mob of cactus waiting to see any other strange animal who may come in sight.
Nafissa told her friends her dream about the mysterious land and the part her mum intruded making it incomplete dream. They told her it was a revelation of her becoming a butterfly. Her time to become a butterfly was just boiling up in stock. They sang as they trod to the kingdom's street.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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