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        Naf and His family:The joy they felt,
             The sadness they didn't ask of.



            The ground of their house hailed in fitness and wellness as Maya's tommy got enlarged within two months. Naf was watered in myriad of merriment, eventually,he would be given the amulet which makes a family recognized. Maya put to bed and she had a towered beautiful child. Fervidly, the sun has shone in their household. The child grew in full health and uncompetitive beauty. Her names was Nafissa. She was likes by a lot and she was the wine of Naf and Maya. As expected, she became a caterpillar and instead of her growing into a butterfly ,she remained as caterpillar without a luck trace of burgeoning into what the kingdom has always wanted before a family gets the share of her recognition. All the friends Nafissa had had become healthy butterflies. Only her was still a caterpillar. This bate of burden made Naf and Maya quench in sorrow. They were expecting a child and the gods didn't beguile them. They have been favored and instead of them to sing to the bells of steel joy, they were collapsed under unnamed burden. Nafissa was seen as an exception and a brawling thorn in the midst of people. She was getting peeved treatment from others. Maya  housed herself in pain because she was wallowing in dimness. Her husband consoled her. Was that what they ever wanted? to get a child and still face sulking gazes from others? She regularly sees her daughter quiet. Nafissa's friends were cautioned to stay away from her or else she will infest them with her sallow luck.There were only two of her friends who made her happy, Leli and Amak. Maya and Naf would always cheer her up and tell her that ,"the flower would bloom again". Though , it was  defaming,yet they made her delightful. They were not alone, apart from Nafissa's friends, the family had an affectionate and figgy friend, Lolo Kakra,who helped them everyday. They were living in their world alone , folding themselves to hope. Hope has eyes and certainly Nafissa will see it face to face.


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