CHAPTER 5:Knowing the mystery of the forbidden cave

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Knowing the mystery of
the forbidden cave

They went back to free spaces of the woods, climbed flowery cliffs and mounted highest falls. After they sucked some nectars in lilies , they went ahead to top. Leli saw a cave at a far distance covered in saffrons and creeping teaks. She has heard of the cave as a legendary home of the great King Nusala ,the great great great great father of King Hosaro. But, as to how the cave was sealed and never talked of, she doesn't know the reason. They wanted to appease their curiosity. Nafissa told them to go back because it was a restricted place and anyone who trespasses to that epic lair, gets himself or herself in grave counter with the royal court. They interplayed within themselves to ask Lolo Kakra about the history of King Nusala and the mystery behind the sealed cave. They knew Lolo would tell them. He doesn't cease to stop talking. He could talk till downpour envelope YooYoo kingdom.
They climbed down the hill and parted to his shop chambers. When they got to the street, the three pals headed to Lolo to be abreast with the history of King Nusala. Lolo was glad see them but to him, he didn't know why they came there. They greeted and he responded,"Good sunny day,lovelies".. Amak, murmured"Uncle Kakra, the sealed cave." As soon as he heard that word he was flabbergasted and stuck , he swiftly pushed them in and badged the windows and doors of his chamber. It is a high treason to make any pronouncement of the sealed cave and even mention the name of King Nusala. His death made YooYoo languished in prolonged distress. Lolo Kakra gave them chairs to sit on and looked out if someone was in view. He said,"There's something huge about the cave. We are forbidden to say it to anyone. But, you should glue your mouth when I tell you."

(he profusely pumped smoke from his pipe in sheer delight, breathed emphatically). Nafissa, Leli and Amak seated in a carte blanche tenacity to hear every word he would say. He spoke ,"YooYoo kingdom was a fierce land of precious minerals that marked in both small and large. This land was once carved by King Nusala and his sister Salso. They were warriors who were formidable and no weapon could blink eyes at them. Due to their unsurmountable victory in wars, YooYoo kingdom was and it is still the most bravest kingdom in the Sasu empire. He was a good man. Tragically ,his sister, Salso, died saving the inhabitants one eruptive night. Her death tended King Nusala so reserved and solitary. After wining a lot of battles in honoring his sister and to secure this kingdom, he used his fist and wisdom to build the cave. That cave was his source of joy. When he is done with his meeting at the royal court,he would go there to relax and think of ways to protect his land. He devoted the cave to the land as their festive ground where the inhabitants come together for merrymaking.It was at that place he found his love, Queen Athalia.

All things were moving smoothly until one day, chaos clung YooYoo kingdom. This chaos prevented everyone from going close to the cave." Nafissa and her cos looked at each in amazement. Leli asked, "What happened?".. Lolo continued, hmm.....hmmm.... a disaster befell King Nusala." Nafissa showed interest,"A disaster sunk the fearless King?" Kakra concurred,"Yes , unexpected disaster. King Nusala grew old so his strength wasn't like that of his exuberance days. After their son turned into a butterfly, and having dined to wine, he went to the cave to refresh himself and talk to his Maher. Out of nowhere, a harmful giant bee invaded his haven. He fought the bee but unluckily for him, death laid his icy arms around him. He met his despicable end. Ever since that decay, the kingdom placed restrictions on some part of the forest to protect her natives. It is believed that the giants bee still harbors the place so no one is permitted to go there. We are preserved from that age to today. We don't know whether the bee died or not but for what I know, no one must go there. If you go there and you are caught,you would be punished."

The children had mixed feelings , both sad and happy. The great King died in a dishonored way. A warrior who is supposed to die fervidly, approached his last days in the hands of an alien.
They thanked Lolo Kakra for telling them the mystery behind the restricted cave. Lolo charged them to keep quiet on what he told them. They left his shop and thrusted towards the streets.

While walking on the street, a lot of people casted their eyes at Nafissa. They looked athm her disdainfully. In order to avoid the tangy look from others , Leli and Amak escorted Nafissa home through an alley. After accompanying her home,they went separately to their houses.

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