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               The Nightly Adventure(1):
                     A wish fulfilling

       Naf hugged Nafissa when she entered the living room. They were somewhat surprised to see her smiling. He bid a bye to Amak and Leli after he thanked them for keeping Nafissa safe. That night was a snowflake of gladness as the small family sat behind their dinner table grasping meals in reeling love. Nafissa told them what transpired when her friends and herself enjoyed that noon and they bumped into laughter when she mentioned how Amak and Leli defeated Bosey and her goons. After the dinner, they clad themselves in their beds. Nafissa slept so warm this time. She was glittering in her sleep.
      She saw herself beside a smokey ruby large river which was glassy in appearance and a multicolored tree sitting at the middle of the munificent river. The environ was fresh and clean, without a pass of filth. There were bells hanging on poles at each cardinal point. Growing flowers spread out from its bud and pied fishes swam in and out of the river. There were four yachts on the river,each with a paddler.

        Magically,she was thrown by a whirlwind into plazas of crystals, pearls and gems, totally clad in a perfumed smoke. The grass was soft and smooth like a marigolds. Just as she was about jumping into the river to board one of the boats, a tall beautiful dressed butterfly in a wool cassock laid a  white carpet over the large river for her to walk on it to the yachts. As they were crossing the river, she was amazed at the sight of fishes turning into different colours. Immediately they got to other end of the river,she saw a big garden which was beyond beauty. The yacht which brought her went out of sight.She entered the garden in a quick strutter.

In the garden, there was a fall of icebergs. She looked up and the sky above her was as clear as golden tulip. Nafissa was transfixed and absolutely confused on what she was seeing. She smiled in her sleep. She met all sizes and species of butterfly as she stroll in the garden. There were caterpillars in their fad been cuddled by their mothers. All those who met Nafissa bowed to her. She was still perplexed as to why they gave her a graceful bow, a stranger in a honor bout. The street was an asphalt of gold and silver. Different form of butterflies walked at both line of the mysterious garden. They ranged in diamond, emerald , silver and grass-like. The attractions before her eyes soaked her in surprise.

YooYoo kingdom's beauty cannot match to the place she was. Out of the clear skies, she saw a triangular chariot coming towards her direction , sparkling on where she stood, a drip of flowers. She nearly took to her heels when the triangular chariot alighted at her feet. A wide abled bodied butterfly stepped out of it  and ushered her to hop in. He is a giant white butterfly with huge wings sticking on his feet and has heavyweight legs like that of a stomper.

He said comely to her, "Empress Nafissa, your presence is needed at the great villa."
She watched backwards thinking the giant guard refered to someone else but it was her.
He repeatedly said, "Empress Nafissa,(he bowed in a sizzle) we have ordered to take you to the villa."  He opened the royal chariot and in some minutes, she saw herself flying on top of heights, dainty ships and bold faced lands.

As they flew across the blueish sea, mermaid and merman butterflies doused in and out of the sea, flipping their tails and wings in harmony. She was flabbergasted and smiles of serene wore her face. The clouds havd its beauty and the kind of jubilee that hit the mysterious land was so engrossing and powerful. The mysterious land regained its splendor as new hedges sprung from all cliffs, hills , grottos and valleys when they felt Nafissa's presence. Nafissa,the long awaited empress and ruler of Ten-Sword empire.

They got to the villa which was built on a mountain covered in snow and a laser light which formed a ring over the villa. The villa had three enormous gates with night flowers and rose flowers hanging on its pillars. Getting to the road which transcends directly to the villa was a city of white giants butterflies guarding at the east , west,south and north. Each of this butterflies lowered their swords and javelins and bowed in respect when they saw Nafissa who just got down from the chariot. The diamond street had young pretty butterflies who were watering the flowers and some planting other crops. When these maidens saw Nafissa, they bowed gracefully and laid a shiny carpet for Nafissa to walk on. The gates got handy on its own accord giving them a sleek view into the villa. Two other giants butterflies led her into the square. She gaped in blissful astonishment at the awe before her. 

The villa was gleaming infinitely ,so magnifying in cutting gazes. It had great stands and spaces which contained the ten fanciful kingdoms of Ten-Sword empire. There were ten different models of butterflies in the villa. Each of these kingdom of butterflies had a heirloom and a symbol of identification. The first kingdom is the tiger kingdom who had the skin of a tiger. They have curly hairs, bushy antennas and have large compound eyes. The second kingdom is the unicorn like butterflies , having strange pentagon wings and their eyes brightened like morning sunlight. Snow dwellers is the third kingdom and they're purely white. Their body is conditioned to snow and have snow clouds which served as their protective shield even in the sun.It keeps them safe and healthy.  The other seven kingdoms are the colours of rainbow. Each of them has fluffy and maroon colourful wings spread in concave and convex. They have crowns on their heads according to their singular colour. The ten different kingdoms stood and  bowed to Nafissa as she walked towards the chief priest of the mysterious land.
           The chief priest was the old butterfly who appeared to Maya when she went to the Azima river. He is very tall with long moustache which extended to his feet. He has a curly and big wings. He has a staff which he uses to control the pool whenever there's a coronation. He said to Nafissa, (opening his wings and speaking in joy) With your powerful wings and healing throne,we welcome you to the pool of incense."  She got to the edge of the smokey pool and about entering, she felt a slight tap on her shoulder.  She woke up abruptly and realized she was just dreaming. 

She was angry for at mom for her waking her up.  Maya noticed smiles on her daughter's face while she slept and deduced she was happy but didn't know what triggered her saucy happiness.

Nafissa The Gleaming Butterfly Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang