Brothers BestFriend

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Your head is buried in your books as you try your best to concentrate on the words in front of you, an important test you had forgotten about was the reason for this stressful study session however you failed to get any work done because of your brother and his mates.

Finally having enough you leave your room and storm down the stairs, walking into the garage you watch as your brother and the other members of his 'band' rock out to their music before you scream at them. "Gareth!" the music is too loud as it drowns your voice out, this only agitates you more. Finding a cord plugged into the speakers you pull it hard and the guitar sound fades.

"Y/n! What the fuck" Gareth whines as the rest of his friends stare at you in disgust and annoyance, all except one; Eddie Munson. Eddie has always had a thing for Gareth's younger sister, you joined their hellfire games occasionally but no longer show up because you 'grew out of it' however Eddie thinks that's a load of shit and that something else drove you away.

"I have a test I need to study for and you and your dumb music aren't helping! Shut. Up." You shout, sounding strong and firm. "Chill, we were about to take a break anyway" Gareth rolls his eyes as his friends agree.

you turn around and storm back into the house slamming your bedroom door behind you. Sitting back at your desk you stare at your textbook intensely hoping that soon the information on the page would make sense if you just continued to read it over and over. Your study time was once again interrupted, this time a soft knock on your door.

"What," You ask annoyed, your door opens slightly and Eddie pops his head in. turning to look at him he has an awkward smile planted across his face, "um- We were going to order pizza do you want anything?" He asks you, you sigh and close your textbook, officially giving up on studying and accepting that you're going to fail.

Pinching the skin between your eyebrows, you lean back in your chair before turning back to him. "Yeah, sure" you nod "Cool um if you just want to come down and-" His eyes wander down to your desk as he reads the name of your textbook out loud.

"Nah is this Ms. Robberts class?" You look down and nod your head, he chuckles lightly before inviting himself into your room and taking your notes to read what you have so far. "Yeah your not going to need any of this, I had her for two years in history and you could honestly do so shit on the test and she would just give out extra credit like there is no tomorrow. Yep, the old woman has given up with her job so you'll have an easy pass in her class" He tells you, sharing his long knowledge of the school after being there for so long.

"Great thanks" You smile at him awkwardly. 

His eyes wander around your room and come across your old hellfire t-shirt laying on your floor. He leans down to pick it up and just kinda stares at it, "honestly thought you would have thrown this away" He laughs "Yeah well, I guess I wasn't lying when I said there cool t-shirts".

"Why did you stop coming to sessions?" He asks as if you not being there absolutely broke him."I don't know" Yes you did, you knew very well. Over the few years that you would drop in and out of their games you couldn't help but grow some feelings for Eddie, you are only a year younger than Gareth so your and Eddies age gap isn't to the point where its wrong however you still felt like you shouldn't like him. 

Maybe if something started up between you you may end up completely dependent on him. You didn't want to accept your feeling for him so the only way to escape them was to try and forget he existed but there was always a part of you that wished you would go back, talk to him one more time, and maybe tell him how you feel.

You stand up and grab the shirt off of him to put it away but he grabs onto your arm to stop you. "Yes, you do" He is much taller than you, staring down at you in hope that maybe you will tell him the true reason for your absence.

You can feel him moving closer to you and you start to panic. "Eddie, you are my brother's best friend. I'm not going to ruin things between you two... I won't" you whisper to him, his face creeping closer. "You won't, I promise. Just tell me what you want" His lips are inches away from yours, you could feel his warm breath against yours.

"I-" You struggled to form words, feeling like the air was stolen from your lungs as you stand there in disbelief of what was happening.

"Use your words Y/n" he whispers against your lips, This is not how you thought your study session was going to turn out. 

"Kiss me" was all you said, it was all you needed to say before his lips were on yours. A soft and loving kiss as his hands moves to cup your face in his palms. His cold rings press against your skin and cool your burning cheeks. Your hands move to his neck pulling him closer to you, embracing the moment.

Eddie separates from you, resting his head against yours as he stares at you lovingly. "I can't tell you how long I have wanted to do that" He chuckles "I think I know, freak" You jokingly insult him. He pretends to be heart by your words, "My, My Y/n... so rude" He smiles.

You hear Gareth call out to the both of you but you refuse to move away, your arms wrapped around his neck as you pull him in for one more kiss. moving away you grab his hand and start to walk to the stairs but stop him. 

"You can't tell Gareth! or any of your friends, ok" He just laughs and nods his head before you both run down the stairs.


I don't know how good this is but oh well, please vote it means also and it really helps and i hope you guys liked this. If you have any requests let me know. 

Eddie Munson Oneshots ( x FemReader )Where stories live. Discover now