I've got you

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I'm sorry this is really shit- ill fix it later

"You don't know that!" You yell in anger, the group had learned of Vecna and how he targets people and in the chaos of trying to figure it all out, you discover the horrifying truth that you are next. 

"Y/n look at me" Eddie speaks, cupping your face in his palms "I swear to you you're going to be ok" As comforting and friendly as his words are you can't believe them, you know you're a goner now and it's only a matter of time before your bones break and your eyes are sucked into the back of your head.

"I need some air," You say heading for the door, when you open it to step outside the sky turns a dark grey, the clouds shadowing you. You quickly turn to the rest of the group but no one is there. "Guys!?" You yell out in a panic.

To everyone else, you are left standing still in front of the door and they are quick to realize what's happening but for you, you are being interrogated but the shadows of the past. 

"Hello Y/n" A voice speaks from behind you, turning to look at them you seem to lose your breath standing there in pure horror. 

Your old best friend stood before you, gun wounds leaked through her clothes looking identical to the way her body was left.

Years ago before you had come to Hawkins you were caught in a horrid mall shooting, your best friend Lara was killed that day and all you did was sit there and watch, too scared to move from your hiding spot as she bled out on the ground. You never forgave yourself for that day.

"Lara" you whisper, slowly backing away "Don't be scared of me, after all, you were never scared to lose me... where you?" She questions, creeping closer "That's not true" Your voice breaks, tears fill your eyes, and your body trembles. 

"Oh but it is, you sat there feeling sorry for yourself whilst I laid on that ground bleeding to my death. Maybe you were happy that it was me and not you, maybe that day you felt some kind of relief that I was finally gone" She spits, anger filling her voice.

"I'm sorry" You cry out "I swear I wanted to save you I really did I just-" She interrupts you "You just what? You were just too scared? didn't care? what was it hmm?" Her voice starts to shift in tone the more she starts to yell, anger rising. 

"No! I never wanted you dead, you were my best friend; you were everything to me!" You scream, "then why did you move on so fast, these friends you have in Hawkins.. they dont know do they? Because you know that if they did they would leave you in a heartbeat" Her body starts to change to something much worse, a tall, slimy monster is now the one standing in front of you.

You let out a loud scream and run into the woods in hopes to escape him. "Eddie!?" You yell out "Eddie please help me! Please!" You cry out as loud as you can. "Y/n, it is time for you to join me" Venca's voice echos around you. 

You continue running through the woods, around trees, and over logs.

Everyone else-

"Y/n!? Y/n wake up please!" Eddie cries, shaking your body. Everyone else is looking for music, after Nancy and Robins's trip and their learning of the way music can reach the mind they decide to give it a try.

"Eddie what's her favorite song!?" Robin yells searching through random tapes laying around the hideout "Kiss umm- I was made for loving you!" He tells them (sorry only song I can think of) "I have that" Max says running to her backpack.

They get the music playing and put the headphone on you "Please work, please work" Eddie begs, tears threatening to fall.


The faint sound of music in the distance throws you off and you stop paying attention to the things in front of you. Running into a tree you tumble backward and hit the ground hard, You hold your hand on your head and look behind you seeing Venca so calmly walking toward you "Shit" You say to yourself.

"You cannot escape me Y/n, let me relive your pain" He speaks

"Fuck you!" You scream, getting back up to run.

You see in the distance a portal-looking thing into the real world, your friends gathered around you all desperately trying to wake you.

"Eddie!" You yell in relief and sprint for the portal.

The world around you starts to change and your start running into a wet, bloody hell. The sky was now red, Vines that looked like veins covered the ground and to the side of you was a very deconstructed building. 

You feel something slimy wrap around your ankle bringing you to the ground, you start to panic and search around for anything to try and get it off. All you could find was a rock and think it's best to try your luck.

You smash the rock into the vine with all your strength and repeat this action a couple of times "Get off me!" You yell in anger, finally hurting it enough it lets go and you're quick to get back to your feet.

Running as fast as you can once again you are now nearing the portal, you don't want to know how close Vecna is behind you, and try to focus on getting the fuck out of there.

Your body falls as if you passed out however you were still fully awake, you gasp for air as you look around the room praying that everything was normal again. You feel two arms wrap around your body holding you close and you already know it's Eddie "It's ok, I've got you; nothing is going to happen to you" He whispers to you.

You hold on to his hand as you try to grasp what the actual fuck just happened, Eddie places a soft kiss on your shoulder, hugging you tighter than he ever has. "I've got you" He repeats, making it very clear he isn't letting you go any time soon.

The others all silently agree to give you some time and all leave the room. You turn to look at Eddie and burst into tears.

"Hey, it's ok. Your safe now alright?" He comforts you, wiping away your tears with his thumb. He rests his forehead on yours, his eyes shut tight as he focuses on calming you down.

His thumb rubs circles on your back and his other hand wrap around your waist. "I love you," You tell him, he is a little shocked at first because this was something you were yet to say to each other "I love you to Y/n" He smiles.


I'm either gonna take this down or re-do it cause I actually hate this chapter but for the time being here. Please vote cause it means a lot and really helps and thank you to everyone reading it means a lot.

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