Thoughts on love

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You check your watch 3:25 The note said to meet here 5 minutes ago and so far you have been left by yourself.

You look around at the scenery surrounding you, the tall trees that loom above, the light wind rustling the leaves, and the fresh smell of a perfect spring afternoon intoxicated you. 

A sudden pressure on your shoulders and a loud yell startles you as Eddie moves out from behind you. "Hey stranager" He winks, you can't help but smile at his childish antics "Hey, why did you tell me to meet you here?" You ask, being quick to get to the point.

Eddie takes a seat across from you at stares into your eyes, not saying a word, it seems as if he is admiringng you however you choose not to read into it. "Eddie? Eddie!" you snap your fingers in front of his face, breaking him from his trance. "Hmm?" He hums questioning you, "Why did you ask me here?" You ask him again, and a light chuckle escapes his lips.

"What do you think about love?" He swoons, as if this feeling he speaks about has so easily taken over him. "Love? don't tell me you have a crush Eddie?" you joke. "well, you could call it that" you start to think about who could have a hold on Eddie's heart.

You have known Eddie for years, he is practically your best friend; you trust no one but him.

"Is it Chrissy?" You ask excitedly, you have noticed the constant talking and flirting between them and think that they would be a perfect match. "No it's not Chrissy, you never answered my first question... what is love to you?" "Damn you really want to know" You laugh, he just stares at you blankly.

"ok ok, I think love is... a load of shit. I mean you read books and watch movies learning about these picture-perfect relationships where the guy so easily gets the girl and the girl so helplessly falls for the guy. Its all fake yet it leaves people with unrealistic expectations of what love is and then they are just let down by the fact that everyone in this world is fucked because apparently, that was too hard to see before" You tell him, Love has never come easily to you nor do you feel like it ever will.

Eddie is silent for a bit, taking in the words you said and really thinking about the points you made. "So what would you do if you did love someone?" He asks, his normal cheerful, childish demeanor has shifted and he seems rather interested yet concerned about your answer.

"If I loved someone? Welp they would have to be pretty damn special" You smile at him, bringing a smile back to his. "What if someone told you they loved you?" He speaks, his voice lowering in volume "Well it would depend on the person wouldn't it?" You flip the question and turn it back to him "Why all these questions about love, you know I can't help unless you tell me who it is" You raise an eyebrow at him, waiting for an answer to know the mystery girl.

"Well, she has beautiful eyes, and bright smile, and the most lovely laugh you would ever hear. Her personality is one made by the gods and the way she treats others with such kindness is something that could never go unseen" He smiles to himself as he lists off the features of the girl "I've known her for a while, and honestly every time I'm with her its like time around us just stops" He continues. 

"Damn you've fallen hard dude, also that was super cliche" You joke, he frowns at you and throws a piece of bark from the table at your face "Shut up" he laughs.

"You've told me all this stuff about her but you haven't actually told me who she is" You inform him, only wanting to know even more now that you've realized how hard he has fallen for the girl. He checks the time on his watch and stands up ready to leave "No can do, late for hellfire" He says pointing to the time "Hey! That's not fair, come on you have to tell me now!" You complain as he starts to walk away, a smug look on his face as he watches you stand there in disappointment.

"Eddie!" You call out in a whiney tone, only making him laugh more. "It's you!" He yells out to me as he continues to walk away, taking a look behind him every few seconds to make sure he won't run into anything.

"What about me!?" You call back, too dumb to realize what he is talking about "You're the girl!" He screams as if he wants the whole world to know. You don't answer and stand there in pure shock.

He smiles at you before turning around and jogging off leaving you alone in the woods. You know that hellfire doesn't start for another hour and that he wanted an excuse to leave so it wouldn't be as awkward but fuck you wish he had stayed because you had so many questions.

You take a seat back at the table and stare off into the distance as you think about what the fuck had happened. You question your feeling towards Eddie, knowing deep down there was something inside you that always tried to convince you you were more than friends however you use to be good at keeping it down, key word Use.

you start to think back to the kind words he spoke of you, the things he finds most captivating about you which brings a bright smile to your face.

You weren't going to let him just walk away without talking about this, getting up from the table you start sprinting through the woods in hopes to catch up to him. Finally making it to the school parking lot you search around desperately for him, finally spotting his car and seeing him sitting in the driver's seat with his head in his hands.

You call out his name and rush over to the car "Y/n?" He questions, a glimpse of hope and relief flashing in his eyes.

here we go


yea idk... enjoy

Eddie Munson Oneshots ( x FemReader )Where stories live. Discover now