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You pace around the room thinking of every situation possible, none of which puts your mind at ease. Letting out a deep sigh you throw yourself on the couch, blankly staring at the wall in front of you 'he will be home soon' you tell yourself praying that it is true. 

Your eyes grow heavy as you painfully fight off sleep, you wanted him to be home first, you wanted to know where he was and know that he is safe but within a matter of seconds your head falls onto the cushion next to you and your body shuts off, falling to a deep slumber. 

The loud sound of crashing cans and a door slamming shut wakes you, your quick to sit up and see Eddies dark figure standing in the kitchen. "Eddie?" Your voice is quiet and you aren't fully awake yet, he turns to look at you, eyes open wide like a deer caught in a headlight. "Where the hell have you been?" You ask him, standing up from the couch and slowly approaching him "I was with the... fellas" He slurs his word, he reeks of beer and weed "are you drunk?" You ask slightly annoyed. 

You had been worried about him for hours, left with no call or clue as to where he was and he shows up at 4 in the morning drunk and high off his fucking mind.

"Drunk? Me? pfft," He throws his arms in the air and spins around in a circle "For fuck sake Eddie really?" You raise your voice, and he stops messing around and stares at you "What's the big deal I was just having fun" he says, putting on some weird sassy voice as he speaks. 

"Fun!? Eddie, I thought you fucking died or something you didn't tell me anything about tonight and just left me!" You yell at him, wishing you were having this discussion with him sober. "Oh please if I told you where I was going you wouldn't of let me," He says, turning to get a cup of water. "And where was that exactly?" "Chrissy's party duh" You and Chrissy have never been friends and she would often try to take Eddie any chance she got so you weren't surprised when Eddie said that he was invited to her party a few weeks ago however you didn't think he would actually go.

"Jesus Christ" You scoff walking back to the couch, "see this is why! you go and throw a tantrum like- like some fucking bitch" You instantly freeze as he says that, slowly turning to look at him. You were beyond pissed "What did you call me?" you ask, your voice breaking as you try to hold back tears "I called you a bitch" He repeats proudly. 

"Fuck you Munson" You yell, grabbing your coat and keys from the front door "That right run away! The only way you know how to escape shit" He calls out to you before stumbling through the kitchen to follow you. "such a fucking drama queen, should have stayed with Chrissy when I had the chance" he mumbles to himself.

You stop walking and turn to him, storming over, he says nothing and just watches you confused. You bring your hand up and slap him in the face as hard as you can, a red mark printed on his skin as he stares at you in shock. Tears burn your eyes as you quickly leave his place, getting in your car and driving home. 

In reality, you shouldn't have been driving, your vision was blurred from the tears and your breathing was so uneven you thought you might pass out from lack of oxygen however you didn't stop. Parking in your driveway the feeling pour out of you and you just let it, screaming, crying, hitting the steering wheel, you just let it all out.

The next day

You had cried yourself to sleep that night and refused to leave your room in the morning. you hated the thought that the one person you loved and thought would never hurt you managed to rip your heart out and break it with just a few words leaving you in pieces. 

Your mum softly knocks on your door "Y/n Hunny, someone is here to see you" She speaks to you softly, you had already told her everything that happened when she came to get you for breakfast earlier. letting out a soft sigh you pull yourself out of bed, throwing on a shirt from your floor and running down the stair. 

You go to the front door and open it, instantly regretting that. Eddie stands in front of you, he is clearly hungover and you wouldn't be surprised if he had forgotten everything from last night.

"Y/n," he says, relief lacing his words, "what do you want" you coldly ask "can we... talk," He asks you, and you decide to let him in and lead him up to your room.

Sitting on your bed you wait for him to speak first "Look I don't remember much of what happened last night but umm- you weren't there this morning and I guess I just thought maybe something happened" He speaks, his voice is raspy and he squints every time the sun from your window hits his eyes. "You could say that," you say "Did- did I do something?" You scoff at his question. 

"You tell me, Eddie, look I don't even know why you're here I thought you preferred to be with Chrissy" You raise an eyebrow at him, he is taken back at your words and instantly confused "Chrissy? Wait what- what about her?" "You told me last night that you should have stayed with Chrissy when you had the chance, that I was bitch that runs away from all her problems" You remind him, the anger building up inside you.

He looks down at the ground, lips slightly parted as he thinks about what to say, "y/n i- I didn't mean any of that I was just-" "Oh please Eddie! you and I both know that drunk words are just sober thoughts" you interrupt him "But I don't think- I know that I want to be with you, not Chrissy!" He says, his eyes are glossy and his voice is shaky.

part of you wants to forgive him and just give him a big hug but his words will forever stay with you "I'm sorry Eddie I just I don't think I can-" "No, no Y/n don't finish that sentence please. We can fix this, I can fix this just please don't leave me" he breaks down, you have never seen Eddie like this it breaks your heart even more.

"Eddie" You whisper, he doesn't raise his head but he does look over to you, his lip quivering as he fiddles with one of the many rings on his fingers. "I'm sorry" He whispers back, you slowly stand up and pull him into a hug. He buries his head into your neck letting out a silent cry, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist as he continues to apologize to you. 

you knew you weren't going to fully forgive him right then and there but you can't bare to seem him cry and you know that you need him as much as he needs you.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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