Chapter 13

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*warning: this chapter contains violence*


~the next day~

When I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I felt way better than last night. I checked my phone and saw that I had a new message. 

Good morning Louis. Your doctor told me about your case last night and thought it would be best if you went to therapy for a few weeks. Don't worry, it's nothing bad, we just think it would really help you. My name is Dr. Debbie Broode, and I hope to see you every Tuesday night at 6:30 pm at the therapy room in the hospital for a few weeks. Have a nice day.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. My first session starts tomorrow, I just have to deal with them for a few weeks. I felt good enough to go to school today so I took a shower and got ready. I walked downstairs to be greeted by my parents... which was a surprise considering they were never here after 6 am and it's already 7:30. 

"Mum, dad, good morning. Why are you guys still here?" I asked curiously. 

"Well, since what happened to you, we both asked for our jobs to start a bit later and come home earlier," my dad said.

"Honey we don't want it to happen again, okay? It's for your own good," my mum reassured me.

"No, it's fine. I was just asking. I'm glad we'll be spending more time together.. as a family," I almost choked when I said family. We aren't a 'family.' We are nothing like one. 

"Well, I've got to get going. I'm going to skip breakfast today. Not really hungry," I waved goodbye and grabbed my car keys and my backpack, rushing out of the house. As I started driving, so many thoughts were going through my head that I was barely paying attention to the road and hadn't realized that I almost passed a red light. I soon made it to school and parked my car. As I got out, I grabbed my stuff and when I turned around I saw Niall getting out of his car... followed by Harry.

By the sight of Harry, I rolled my eyes. When I looked back at Niall, he looked... different? I couldn't really see him from where I was standing, but he looked angry. It seemed like him and Harry had gotten into a fight. 


~the night before~

"Goodnight, I hope you get better," I said before leaving Louis's house. I walked to my car and drove home, playing the whole conversation in my head over and over again. As I was parking, I noticed every light in my house was on. That was strange, considering my parents weren't here. I went to unlock the door, but before I could put the key in the lock, my door opened revealing a very angry Harry.


"Get in here." He grabbed me by the collar on my shirt and pulled me inside, closing the door behind me. "Where the hell were you? Huh?" He yelled pushing me against the nearest wall.

"I- I" I tried explaining but stuttered in fear.

"Tell me now!" He yelled again, this time pushing me harder against the wall.

"I was checking on Louis." I whispered. He furrowed his eyebrows in disbelief, letting go of me. 

"Really, Niall? Is that what you went to do? After all he did to you? I thought you'd be smarter than that. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't know he betrayed you. I was protecting you." He said.

"I can protect myself." I simply said, walking past him in the direction of my room. As I was walking, I felt a hand on my shoulder, turning me around, facing Harry. He pushed me against the wall once more.

"Oh, so you can protect yourself? Show me!" He yelled, lifting his fist to punch me. "I want to see you protect yourself!" He yelled louder, this  time bringing his fist to my chin, hitting it hard. "Protect yourself, Niall! Let me see you do it!" He kept yelling, and punching me. "Come on! Do it!" 

I couldn't move my body because all his strength kept me against the wall. The only thing I could do was try to push him off of me with my arms, but I wasn't strong enough. My hands hit the wall behind me, desperately looking for something to hit Harry with. There was a small table with flowers in a glass vase to the side, but I couldn't reach it. I moved my leg under the table, pulling it close enough to me so that I could grab the vase.

Harry didn't notice me doing this, being too busy yelling at me and punching me in the stomach a few more times. I quickly emptied it from the water and flowers it had inside, and smashed it against his back not too hard, but hard enough to keep him distracted in trying to get the few pieces of glass out of his back while I ran out of my door. I didn't stop running until I noticed that I was now deep inside of some strange woods. These weren't the ones by our school, I had never been here before. I took a break from running and sat down with my back against the closest tree I could find. 

My whole face and stomach hurt a lot. A few minutes had passed and I stood up to go. I couldn't go to my house or Louis's because Harry could easily find me there. I didn't know where to go, so I decided to keep walking around until morning, trying to find an exit. As I was walking, I stopped in my tracks because I thought I heard something. I turned around, looking behind me to see if I could find anything. I turned back to the way I was walking, but before I got to take one more step, I ran into somebody. 

"Going somewhere, blondie?"


:( thats all I have to say. I hate myself for writing this omg Niall :'(

so anyways. I finally updated! :) So this chapter ended while it was still the night before. At the beginning of the next chapter, it will say something like 'still the night before' or whatever, Idk I still have to start it. but here ya go! Hope you enjoy it! Please follow, vote, and comment :) & btw sorry if I have any mistakes in it, I didn't read over it 

BooBearTheTommo :)xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2013 ⏰

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