Chapter 4

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"I'm your boyfriend." 


"You are?" Niall completely fell for it. He thought that maybe that was why he was thinking so much about him before and why he found Louis attractive.

"Uhh.. Yeah." Louis said, worried that Niall wouldn't believe him.

"Oh. Well, in that case.." he said and left his words hanging. He stepped forward and gently cupped Louis' cheek with his one hand, slowly kissing Louis. Louis was shocked at first, but smiled into the kiss, knowing that Niall was now his. He kissed back, but then realized there was one problem.

His girlfriend, Eleanor.

He immediately pulled back and looked at Niall with a worried expression. "Is something wrong?" Niall said. Louis stayed still for a second and finally snapped back into reality, slowly shaking his head.

I just need to break up with her. Yeah! I'll do that right now. He thought. "Just a second." He said and pulled out his iPhone:

I think it's time for us to break up. He felt horrible for breaking up by a text, but shrugged it off.

"So, you mind to tell me how that happened?" he once again pointed to Niall's cast.

"Oh, I got in a car accident." Niall said. Louis eyes widened in shock.

"What? How?!" he yelled. Niall shrugged. Maybe that's why he didn't remember me. He thought.

"Wait, so you seriously don't remember me?" Niall shook his head no, and went back to his kissing session with Louis, when Louis' phone got a text. Niall pulled back, grunting in annoyance. "Wait, just a second please." He unlocked his phone:

WHY?! Well, that doesn't matter. I only used you so I could become more popular and I had sex with two of your friends. Fuck you.

Louis rolled his eyes and put his phone away. "Who was that?" Niall asked curiously. Louis shrugged.

"Nobody important. I think we should go to class now." Louis smiled. Niall grabbed his hand and they walked back to school. Before anybody would see them, Louis let go of Niall's hand. "Nobody knows about us." Louis whispered. Niall nodded and they walked to their first class together.

It was finally lunch and Harry was looking for Niall with Ed. Ed found him and poked Harry, pointing to where Niall was, sitting with Louis. Harry immediately ran over to Niall, being followed by Ed.

"What are you doing?!" Harry yelled. Niall was confused.

"What do you mean what am I doing? What the hell does it look like? I'm having lunch." Niall said.

"With him?" Ed said, pointing to Louis.

"Yeah. So?" Louis stepped in. Harry shook his head and was under no control of his next actions.

Harry jumped on top of Louis, making the chair fall back with him on top. He jabbed Louis' nose angrily, probably too angrily because he heard a faint crack, and got almost everybody's attention. Niall quickly stood up from his chair and pushed Harry off, giving Louis a bunch of napkins for his now broken nose. Harry stared at the pair in shock. Why is Niall helping him?! Harry thought. Niall shook his head at Harry in disappointment and helped Louis get up so he could take him to the nurse's office. On their way there, Niall wouldn't stop asking Louis 'are you okay?'s and 'do you need help?'s. Louis just answered with simple answers trying not to make Niall much more nervous than he already was. He knew exactly why Harry had done that.

Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, Ed was helping Harry up when their principal, Mrs. Jones, snatched Harry by his wrist. She had seen the whole thing.

"Mr. Styles! I cannot believe what you just did! What a disappointment!" She yelled, pulling him into his office. Ed tried to make an escape. "Mr. Sheeran, you too!" she said, not even bothering to look back. He sighed and followed behind them.

At the end of the day, Harry and Ed had both gotten detention for two weeks and Louis had a broken nose. Niall was trying to give Louis all the help he could. He even brought him to his house to take care of him for the rest of the day.

"Are you hungry?" Niall said. Louis nodded and they both headed to his kitchen. "Wanna bake some brownies?" he said, shaking the cake mix box. 

"Yeah!" Louis said enthusiastically. They got the ingredients, Niall mixing everything Louis poured into the bowl. It was finally ready and Niall dipped a finger in the mix, but Louis pushed his hand away. "They aren't ready!" he said.

"Well, obviously, but I just wanted to try some!" he said defensively and quickly dipped his finger in the bowl and then into his mouth. Louis playfully rolled his eyes earning a laugh from Niall. He grabbed the bowl and threw some mix in Niall's face.

"How are you going to try it now?" Louis said with a smirk. Niall shook his head and squinted his eyes, signaling Louis 'it's on!'. They both ran to each side of the table, having it in between them. Niall grabbed the egg carton while Louis still had the mix.

Niall grabbed an egg and threw the egg aiming for Louis, but hit the wall when he ducked. He got back up and threw some mix with his hand, successfully hitting Niall's shirt. 

"Not fair!" Niall said, faking a frown. Louis got distracted laughing and Niall took this as a great shot. He grabbed another egg and hit Louis' neck, making him laugh in return and Louis wiping the sticky liquid off his neck with an 'ugh'.

Just as they were about to continue their food fight, there was a knock on the door.

"Who could that be?" Niall said. Louis shrugged. Niall walked to the door, but stopped Louis from following him, "Wait here." Louis nodded and obeyed him, grabbing a paper towel to clean his neck.

Niall opened the door, revealing a boy with brown curls and green eyes. Both of their expressions were blank.

"Who's there?" Louis yelled from the kitchen. Harry opened his mouth to talk, but Niall interrupted him.

"What do you want?" he hissed.

"I-" he stuttered. "I came to apologize..." he said looking down. "Why are you all dirty?" he said, eyeing his face and shirt. Niall shrugged. "...but, I still don't get it."

"You don't get what?" Niall asked confused. Harry squinted his eyes as if it was obvious.

"I don't get whats going on here! Why are you all friendly with him all of a sudden?!" he said. Niall thought he meant that Louis was his boyfriend. But what Harry meant was why he was being so friendly to his bully. 

"Harry, I- I need to tell you something..." Niall stuttered, nervous.


Do you think Niall will tell him? :O And note: I have NOTHING against they're girlfriends! I absolutely LOVE El, Dani, and Perrie. I just want to make this story interesting! That's all for now! Please fan, vote, and comment! :D

BooBearTheTommo :)xxx

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