Wanted Housemates

180 1 3

Wattpad by crypticfangirl
Words: ≈64,000

Smut: Yes
Synopsis: Louis caught his boyfriend of five years cheating so he kicked him out, realizing only after that owning a big house and living with yourself and a very adorable dog is not enough. It's also damn expensive so he goes online and post on one of the most credible site known to man, Craigslist, to look for housemates. Enter the crew consisting of a very odd Irish programmer, a handsome preschool teacher, a stripper gentleman, and a sex therapist in glittery suits.

My rating: 7/10
My opinion: This is hands down the funniest story I've ever read. I enjoyed this fic a lot. Louis is a bit of a jerk at first but you learn to love him pretty quickly. Niall in this fic is also my favorite character of anything ever. It's a good fic if you need something lighthearted and fun.

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