12. Duel Of The Fates

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(PLAY DUEL OF THE FATES MUSIC HERE) (I feel like I'm a commentator here LOL)

Third Person POV

Darth Maul ignites his double bladed red lightsaber as Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon ignite theirs. Darth Maul goes on the offensive and goes for Obi-Wan first. Obi-Wan jumps over Maul and tries to attack him from behind, but Maul blocks his lightsaber.  He ducks as Qui-Gon aims for his head.

Darth Maul spins his lightsaber as he continues to block the lightsabers of the two Jedi. He kicks Qui-Gon in the nuts (DEEZ NUTS), causing him to fall over. Maul then uses the Force to chuck a piece of junk into the wall, causing the door to the power generator pit to open. Obi-Wan lunges for Maul again but he swiftly blocks it. Qui-Gon gets up and joins the fight again as Maul tries to disarm Obi-Wan.

Qui-Gon aims for Maul's head again (he really likes doing it) as Maul kicks Obi-Wan in the nuts (DEEZ BIG NUTSSSS) this time, causing him to fall backwards. Maul uses the Force to jump over Qui-Gon and runs into the power generator pit room. 

Maul's double bladed lightsaber is damn hell effective. Every time Qui-Gon tries to kill Maul, he just blocks it. Obi-Wan gets up and joins the fight again. Maul pushes Qui-Gon into the side and he crashes into a pillar. he quickly gets up and goes to help Obi-Wan. Maul goes on the defensive as Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon start to gain ground. He is teetering on the edge of the pit as the duel pauses for a few seconds before Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan try to push his off the edge now. Maul quickly usees the Force to backflip over the pit and onto a narrow bridge. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon quickly follow him.

The clashing of the blue, green and red plasma blades match the humming of the power generators. As Maul blocks Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's lightsabers, he kicks Obi-Wan in the butt 😏. Obi-Wan rolls off the edge of the narrow bridge and down a few levels, where he is hanging off the edge of a bridge, his lightsaber almost falling off. He swings around, trying to get back up.

Qui-Gon, meanwhile, punches Maul in the face, sending him backwards off the bridge. Maul falls square onto the back and is in a daze as he lands on a lower bridge.



"YOU UNDERESTIMATE MY POWER!" Darth Maul replies as he tries to jump over Qui-Gon.


Qui-Gon immediately gives up the high ground and jumps down onto Maul, hoping to finish him off. Maul blocks Qui-Gon's lightsaber and gets up, blocking Qui-Gon's every swing of his lightsaber. 

The battle rages on as Obi-Wan uses the Force to pull himself up onto the bridge. Grabbing his lightsaber, he slowly runs towards where Qui-Gon and Maul are fighting. Seeing that Qui-Gon is struggling to fend off Maul's attacks, Obi-Wan uses the Force to jump up onto the higher bridge. Igniting his lightsaber, he starts to run towards the fight. 

Qui-Gon and Darth Maul are now heading towards a bunch of red ray shields. As they continue to duel, the ray shields turn off. Qui-Gon makes a slash for Maul's feet but Maul jumps over the green blade. 

The ray shields turn on again, separating the fleeing Darth Maul and Qui-Gon. Qui-Gon turns off his lightsaber as Obi-Wan, also, is blocked by the ray shields, preventing him from reaching Qui-Gon. He stops just in time so that he is a few inches away from the shield.

Darth Maul looks up as he tries to figure out a way he can turn of the shield. He swings his lightsaber at the shield, but to no avail. He turns off his lightsaber, pacing around the enclosed space. He sees Qui-Gon sitting down in a meditative pose. Qui-Gon closes his eyes, probably meditating on what do do? (IDK)

The moment the ray shields turn off, Qui-Gon snaps awake and lunges for Maul, faster and stronger than before now. Maul looks as if he is struggling a little to keep up with the attacks. Obi-Wan is itching to join the battle, so he runs towards them.

The ray shields close once again and Obi-Wan is forced to watch as the old man and red Zabrak duel. Breathing heavily, Obi-Wan is probably stressed.

Maul blocks Qui-Gon's swings with ease now. He uses his two blades to his advantage, trying to use the hilt of his lightsaber to catch Qui-Gon off-guard, but it doesn't work. Even so, Maul is on the offensive now and raises his lighktsaber over Qui-Gon's head, ready to strike. Qui-Gon blocks it and there is a long pause. Maul holds his lightsaber horizontally, trying once again to catch Qui-Gon off-guard with the hilt. He shoves it against Qui-Gon's chin and Qui-Gon is stunned for a moment.

But one moment is all Maul needs.

Spinning his lightsaber, he shoves one blade into Qui-Gon's chest. Qui-Gon falls to the floor as Obi-Wan screams for his Master.


Maul has an evil grin on his face as he waits for the ray shields to turn down, to kill the other Jedi. Obi-Wan looks at Qui-Gon's lifeless body, the rage in him growing with every passing moment. 

He wants revenge.

Obi-Wan ignites his saber as Maul does the same. The ray shields turn off and Obi-Wan immediately swings his lightsaber at Maul, now on the offensive and wanting to kill. His swings are faster, more agile now. Both Maul and Obi-Wan are filled with anger, Obi-Wan's lightsaber clashing furiously with Maul's. There is a short pause before Maul goes for Obi-Wan again. Spinning his lightsaber, he intends to do what he did to Qui-Gon, but Obi-Wan has learnt from Qui-Gon's mistake and slices Maul's lightsaber in half. One half flies into the reactor core, while the other is still in Maul's hand as he falls backwards.

Obi-Wan takes this opportunity to try and kill Maul, to avenge his master. Obi-Wan jumps over Maul, aiming for his hedad, but Maul blocks it, gets up and runs a short distance away.

Now, it's one-on-one. Obi-Wan remains firmly on the ground while Darth Maul flips and jumps around, dodging every swing of Obi-Wan's lightsaber. Obi-Wan locks lightsabers with Maul, but Maul uses the Force to push his backwards, sending him off the edge into the reactor shaft. Then, Maul kicks Obi-Wan's lightsaber into the endless pit.

Obi-Wan manages to hold onto a small knob, struggling to find some ground he can get on. Maul slashes away at the area above Obi-Wan, trying to startle him off the knob. Obi-Wan breathes heavily as he catches sight of his fallen master's lightsaber. He looks at it intently, using the Force to pull it towards him as he jumps up and over Maul, igniting the green blade and cutting Maul in half. Maul, startled, does not have time to react and gets sliced by the green blade. He blinks and falls backwards into the reactor shaft, shouting and screaming madly. 

Obi-Wan immediately runs towards Qui-Gon, who is slowly dying. (IDK HOW HE"S STILL ALIVE)

"It's too late...It's..." Qui-Gon whispers as Obi-Wan kneels down beside his master.

"No..." Obi-Wan tries to hold back his tears.

"Obi-Wan...promise...promise me you'll train the children," Qui-Gon says.

"Yes, Master," Obi-Wan promises.

"He is the chosen one... he will... bring balance... train him."

Qui-Gon slips away into the realm of the dead. Obi-Wan cradles his Master's body, quietly weeping.

a/n: HiiiiiI! A few memes in here. I probably won't be posting for a while cause I got exams! Thanks for reading and may the Force be with you!

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