Chapter 3

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~June 6th 1853~

Why do people host parties they are expensive, loud, and honestly a waste of time

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Why do people host parties they are expensive, loud, and honestly a waste of time. but unfortunately, Lavi and sue love them so I was forced to go to the Dickinson party that Emily and Austin were hosting because their parents were out of town.

you people of the future might think "well aren't you supposed to be at the party right now" well I am if you count sitting in a corner writing in a journal and watching people dance and get drunk as being at a party then yes, yes im at a party.

i dought anyone has even noticed im here. they all think im nuts anyway so it doesn't really surprise me. its creeping me out that jane is staring right at me and whispering to her friends. the only person I have talked to tonight is Camile and of course vinnie.

i hadn't seen Emily in a while one second she was dancing with sue and now I don't know where she was. that girl never stays at one place for a long time, well she doesn't stay for long unless it was her room.

I can't blame her though I do the same to be honest with you. What is the purpose of being around a bunch of people when you can be alone in your room with your own thoughts.

looking up from the journal I spotted Emily sitting in a corner just like me,  but she looked kinda sad so i decided to go check up on her. "hey Emily are you okay, you look kind of sad." i asked receiving a bit of laughter from her.

"Yeah I'm okay, I just don't really love parties." She said nodding I look at her strangely and confused cause it was her idea to throw the party. "But it was your idea to throw this party and your sitting alone looking as depressed as ever." I exclaimed to her with a little of laughter in my voice.

"Yes yes it was, but I kind of regret it now." Emily answered looking down at the ground with a small smile on her face. "Do you know where sue is?" I question for hope that she has seen her.

Nodding her head she pointed to the people dancing and I spotted her dancing with Austin, and suddenly I understood why she was looking so sad. "Oh, I get now your jealous over that Austin gets to dance with sue and you don't." I said teasingly.

She looked at me shocked with a raised eye brow. "What , I don't know what your talking about." Emilys excuses which honestly just made it more obvious That she was lying.

"Emily no need to lie I already know everything about you two, I saw you two kissing in the yard a few weeks ago." She looks at me shocked at what I just said to her.

"Oh, I um, I gotta go bye!" Emily said suddenly and ran away fast out the room and I could hear footsteps going up tje stairs so I assume that's where she was going. Oh well I guess I'm alone again.

Or I could go find lavi and Camilie. I chose the second option and found them by the drinks together with Jane. "Oh hi Vivian, you have finally stopped sitting in the corner and pout." Jane exclaimed and I look at her with a confused expression.

"Um okay nice to see you to I guess." I told her grabbing Camilie and lavi's hands and walked off into another room where no one was.

" I told her grabbing Camilie and lavi's hands and walked off into another room where no one was

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