Chapter 8

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     "Tyra, I swear I'm going to kill you if you don't give me the keys to MY car so I can drive us to the boys' house!" She handed me my keys back and we got in the car.
     "Text Luke and tell him were 5 min. away" I tell Tyra.
     "K." Tyra says as she texts Luke.
   As we pull up to the house Ash is outside waiting for us, he jogs over to the car and opens my door. Luke quickly follows and opens Tyras door. "They are such gentlemen" I whisper to Tyra as us four walk up to the door. Like gentlemen they let us walk in first. One we get inside we all sit down around the table and have dinner.  
     After dinner we all got comfy on the couch. Ash was sitting up and I was snuggled up aginst his arm, Tyra and Luke were doing the same thing. We all decided on watching the best movie ever made... NEMO!!
     When the movie was coming to an end we started talking about what movie to watch next, we all agreed on Toy Story. Then Ash just said, "let's just watch Disney and Pixar movies!"

            Ashton's pov

     When Toy Story ended I said, "Guys it almost midnight, wanna go outside and watch the fireworks?"
   No one responded, then I realized,  Abbi fell asleep on me, Tyra and Luke were also cuddling, both asleep.
I started hearing fireworks and I just could help but smile... I'm laying here with Abbi, the girl I love. Luke is laying next to us with the girl he loves, on New years. I whisper, "Love you...." as I doze off into a deep sleep

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