Chapter 5

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Abbi's POV

    Tessa is 14, Tyra is 17, I'm 20, and Trinity is also 20 because we are twins... not identical. I thought for a while and then it just randomly  hit me... Ashton Fletcher Irwin snapchatted me, asked for my number and we talk everyday.

    As you know I made his name 'Ash xx', I wonder what he made mine. It's probably just 'Abbi'. Tomorrow is my 'date' with Ashton and we are going to the movies.


                                               *Phone buzzez*

       Ash xx: Do you care if I bring Calum, Luke and Michael to the movies?
        Me: No, that would be fine. What time does it start?
        Ash xx: 7:30. I will pick you up at 7 if that's OK
        Me: That's fine... see you then. Umm Can I bring my sister Tyra? I kinda wanna set her up with Luke... lol
        Ash xx: Yeah. I bet he would love that. Lol :) . See you at 7. Bye

        Me: See you then. Byee. :)


   I have to get ready now and tell Tyra. I tell her and she said, " Ok whatever." It's 6:55 and we are ready. I hear the doorbell and Trinity opens it and almost passes out... I forgot to tell her Ashton Irwin will be ringing our doorbell any minute. I say, "Trin. Is it for me?" I hear Ash tell her, "I'm here for Abbi...." She yells back at me, "Yeah!"

     After the movie Ashton says, "will you be my girlfriend?" in a really cheesy voice. "Yes" I said back happily. I also hear Luke ask for Tyra's number and I smile. Ash drove us home and I changed his name in my contacts and snapchat to 'Ashy xx' with two heart emojis.

Mr. All AustralianWhere stories live. Discover now