Idolish7 Mini Story 2 Birthday Twins

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At a restaurant
Riku: "Happy birthday Tenn-nii!"
Tenn: "Happy birthday Riku."
Riku: "Tenn I was completely overwhelmed with joy when you direct messaged me on Rabbitchat asking if we could spend our upcoming birthday together! We haven't been able to celebrate together since you know."
Tenn looks down at the table. "I'm sorry Riku."
Riku: "Huh for what?"
Tenn: "For how I've treated you."
Riku: "Tenn to be completely honest I was actually mad that you tried to constantly make me quit being an idol and even said hurtful things to me... but I figured out that you where just looking out for me and you where trying to protect me from the stresses and pressure of being an idol."
Tenn: "Riku..."
Riku looks up at Tenn and he could see tears rolling down the sides of his face.
Riku: "Tenn I should be thanking you for always looking out for me."
Tenn could feel tears forming in his eyes, Riku stands up and walks over to Tenn and hugs him.
Riku: "Tenn I'm so glad that you're my brother, I wouldn't have wanted any other brother besides you."
Tenn could feel tears going down the sides of his face. "Thank you Riku."

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