Chap 2

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Kyles pov

"My anaconda don't want non unless-"

"YOU GOT SANDWICHES HUN" bebe shouts walking towards a sand which shop. kenny gives her a confused look and stops twerking against a random girl who blushes and giggles.


"But-" I put my hand on kennys shoulder

"Don't mess with a girl and food, I learnt the hard way." kenny chuckles


"LIIIIIIZZZZIIIE!!" Rebecca says twerking against liz playfully. liz laughs and pushes her away.

"I swear your the only person I will let call me lizzie."

"Yay!!! Lizzie my baby!!" Rebecca says hugging her

"Dot push it."

"That's soooo cute," bebe says munching on a sandwich. she then irks shoving me. "Stan catch!" She says as I fall into someone. please for be Stan..

The sparks never lie. I turn around to see Stan and blush jumping up and I glare at bebe.

"Not cool!!"

"Worth it, your face is so cute Kyle!!" She say pinching my cheek I blush even more

"Are you guys the people the segue ith guard told us about?" Stan asks scratching the back of his neck

"LIZZIE YOU ARE MINE FOREVVVVVVVVVVVVER" Rebecca is still hugging liz.

"Forever ever." liz smiles kissing Rebecca cheek.

"Relationship goals." I point out

"Could have been us.." stan mumbles

"I hear that." I say crossing my arms over my chest. Stan blushes

"Well it could've been if you weren't so stubborn." I just shrug

"He's right Ky." bebe points out.

I bite my lip. he kinda is right...


"I was stubborn for a reason, you bullied me over summer!"

Stan sighs "I wish you would forget the past and move on."

You can't forget the past when there are scars from it. I stroke my hand over my wrist. that was forever ago...

But so was Stan hating me..

I sigh turning around I grab Rebecca and liz and walk off with them.

"Cock block" Rebecca mumbles

"What? Are you gonna shag her right here right now?"

"Maybe." she mumbles

"Rebecca you don't have a cock to be blocked."


"Kyle, I'm scared." I laugh

"Who's hungry?" I ask as a KFC comes into view

"Me!" liz says

"I was until you cock blocked me."

"Your getting desperate. I'm still a virgin too." I say


"And so is stan, and Wendy. also craig, tweek-"


"Not what I heard!" Liz says "Craig and tweek did the nasty!!"

"I'm suddenly not hungry anymore"


"REBECCA! You can't ignore me forever."

"... I can try- DAMNIT" liz giggles kissing her cheek which makes her motion to her lips.

"Stop teasing Lizzie!!" I laugh.

I wonder if me and Stan could've been like that...


I'm digging it. I also really ship Rebbeca and liz. I can't remover if I have it a ship name but imma call it #riz

Kyle: hey


lamb: kill me now

Rebecca: you love us

Lamb: right now I love liz more then you lot

Liz: *just sitting there watching TWD reruns*

Lamb: that's my tv...

Liz: ...

Lamb: those are my reruns



Learning To Love Him (COMPLETED) (stanxkyle) {continuation to let me love you}Where stories live. Discover now